She was almost asleep when Jasper—clearly eaten up with guilt—admitted he’d broken the bowl. She’d thanked him for his honesty, kissed him good night, then let her sexual frustration find a new outlet—anger.

When she was certain Jasper was asleep, she’d put on a bra, grabbed the money, and sought them out, a powder keg set to explode.

Learning that Jasper had thought Tony and Rhys would send them away nearly killed her. Had she unwittingly transferred her own fears, her own inability to accept unconditional help, to her impressionable son?

“Lift your arms,” Rhys said.

Jess did so without hesitation, allowing him to pull her shirt off. His gaze drifted down to her bra, his fingers returning, drawing a line along the edge of the lacy material, tickling the tops of her breasts. “So beautiful,” he murmured.

She felt Tony’s hands working to free the clasp on her bra, his lips still grazing her neck and shoulder as he did so. They weren’t just undressing her. They were worshipping her.

The realization only served to increase her feverish arousal.

Tony slipped the straps of her bra over her shoulders and the material fell away, baring her to their gazes. They looked their fill as she stood there, marveling over the fact she felt no embarrassment, no shyness with them.

Rhys cupped one breast, his thumb toying with her taut nipple. Tony reached around to claim the other, squeezing it with just enough pressure to send tingles along her spine, straight to her pussy. She could feel the wetness growing between her thighs. She was so ready for what came next.

Her sexual experience was painfully limited, yet with them, it didn’t matter. Her sense of self was driven by the waytheyviewed her, not the way she perceived herself.

They saw beauty, so she was beautiful. They saw confidence, so she was confident.

“I want to see you too.” She reached for the hem of Rhys’s shirt and he allowed her to tug it off. Despite their status as roommates, neither man had ever walked around the house shirtless, something she suspected they were doing in deference to her and Jasper’s presence in the apartment.

She sucked in a breath at Rhys’s bare chest. He and Tony ran every day, and there was an expensive set of weights in a makeshift gym in the basement of the building. They’d taken her there a few days after she and Jasper had moved in, giving her a grand tour not just of the apartment but of the offices below, telling her all the improvements they’d made after buying it.

Rhys must have spent more time in that gym than she realized. His arms were muscular, his chest well-defined, sexy as fuck. His doctor’s coat hid a lot—too much—of him.

Like him, she longed to touch. She ran her hand over his chest, his soft skin encasing rock-hard pecs and abs. She sensed Tony watching.

“Have the two of you…” She stumbled slightly on her question. “Is this something…”

“Rhys and I have never shared a woman,” Tony answered, saving her from trying to find the words. “I’ve never shared a woman with anyone.”

“Oh.” The idea that they were willing to shareherfilled her heart with so much joy, she feared it might explode.

“I know it’s been a long time since you’ve been with a man, Jess,” Rhys said. “We’ll go slow, take our time.”

She’d mentioned her lack of dates to Rhys the night of the attack, the first time she’d lowered her guard and opened up to him.

“How long?” Tony asked.

“I’ve only ever had sex with Jasper’s father.”

She wasn’t sure how Tony would take that news. She feared perhaps he’d pull away, the overprotective man emerging, armed with a determination to save her, even if it meant denying himself. She’d become accustomed to his overbearing demeanor, the way he texted to check up on her, how he always asked about her day’s plans, his demands to drive her places he didn’t want her going to alone.

She always pretended to be annoyed, but the truth was, no one had ever given a shit where she was or if she was safe. His protective nature filled an emptiness she hadn’t known existed until he’d come into her life, and it was yet another reason why she’d struggled so hard to think of him as just a friend.

Tony took the news in stride, running his hand along her side. “We won’t hurt you.”

Jess wasn’t the type of person to give her trust easily, but Tony and Rhys had claimed hers nearly from the start. They’d kept her and Jasper—two strangers—safe from that very first morning, proving themselves honest, caring, good men.

Tony reached behind his neck, pulling his own shirt off. Like Rhys, he was beautifully built, though Tony’s frame was larger, bulkier. Where Rhys was muscular, Tony was stacked…and then some. His arm was larger than her thigh, and she recalled the way he’d carried her up three flights of stairs without even breathing heavy after pulling her from the freezing-cold car.

She twisted, placing a kiss on his pec, right above his heart. He felt like steel—pure, unmitigated power. And he was here. Hers. Even if only for this single night.

She sank her teeth into his pec until she heard his grunt—of surprise, of pain.

Jess lifted her eyes to Tony’s face. “Maybe I want it to hurt.” Then she glanced over her shoulder at Rhys. “And I definitely don’t want it slow.”