“Thanks,” I say and then I chew on my lip for a moment, mulling over the words in my head before I ask what I’ve been wanting to ask for a while. Reese had worked for Ms. Prissy all summer long for four years when she was home from college. She would also sell pieces to Ms. Prissy by videotaping them and sending them to her when she was gone. Like she’d said, Ms. Prissy paid her well, but she pays me better. Which works great for me – I’m making a lot of money and doing something I love. Not many people can say that.

But that’s not what’s bothering me. I’m good with my money and my work, but I’m not good with hiding it from Jude or even Phillip.

Looking across the table, I ask, “So did anyone know you worked there?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. Not even Piper knew until my third year there. Then she started working there,” she says with a laugh.

I smile as I pick up a piece of sushi before throwing it in my mouth. When my phone starts to sound with a text, I chew my piece as I dig my phone out of my pocket to see that it’s a text from Jude.

Hey Jude: Wanna eat some food on a blanket outside?

I laugh. Like a picnic.

Hey Jude: saying do u want to have a picnic makes me sound like a girl, so wanna eat on a blanket outside?

Me: Weirdo. Will there be waffles?

Hey Jude: there will be now.

Me: Then yes, I’ll love to have a picnic with you.

Hey Jude: haha. 7ish?

Me: sounds good.

Hey Jude: btw…I miss u.

Me. Btw…I miss u way, way more.

Hey Jude: I doubt that.


I glance up from my phone to meet Reese’s knowing gaze. Tucking my phone in my pocket, I shrug. “Yeah, how did you know?”

A grin pulls at the side of her mouth before she takes a drink of her water. “Only a guy can put that grin on your face. You’re basically glowing, Claire.”

“It’s no big deal,” I say even though I know I’m lying my ass off. I look away shyly. I don’t know why I’m shy about him, but I am, especially in front of Reese. I don’t get why, because with anyone else I’m loud and proud, but she knows me. She can see through me in a heartbeat and will know that he means more to me then I’ll let on.

“Don’t lie to me. He means something to you and that’s good,” she says and then pauses. When I look up, I see that she’s watching me. “Is he the reason you asked who knew about me in the club?”

“Yeah,” I say, picking up a napkin and tearing it apart. “I haven’t told him and I feel like I’m lying to him. I don’t want to do that because this is new and perfect, and oh God, Reese, I’m falling for him. He means so much to me in such a short amount of time, and honestly, I don’t think I could lose him.”

She nods, a smile playing on her lips. “That’s wonderful, Claire. I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to see this blossom for you. I didn’t have a boyfriend back then, so it was different for me, but I’m assuming that you think Jude won’t like his girlfriend dancing for a group of men. Even if it is in a classy way like burlesque dancing.”

“I don’t think so,” I say. “But I can’t quit. I need the security of that money.”

Her face scrunches up, and I regret the words I say as soon as they leave my lips. I just got myself in a world of trouble.

“We’ve been through this, Claire. You don’t need money – we will take care of you.”

“I know you guys will, but I don’t want to depend on you my whole life. I have to stand on my own two feet.”

“I understand that, but you don’t have to do something you are ashamed of to make ends meet. We will take care of you.”

“I’m not ashamed,” I say, but that’s not the whole truth. I love doing this, but I know that Phillip and Jude won’t like it, and because of that, I’m ashamed. Shaking my head, I whisper, “I have to take care of myself.”

“I wish I could slap your mother. God rest her soul, but I mean, shit, Claire. How much do we have to do to reassure you that we aren’t going anywhere? All these years have passed. Have we left? No, we’re here for the long haul. Beside you, loving you, you know we love you, right?”