“Good, I love your dress too. We’re getting it.”

“Okay,” I say, knowing that she’s right, but I can’t take my eyes off her. I’ve seen her every way, from dolled up to the nines to looking like bear crap with the flu, and she’s always been gorgeous. But seeing her like this, a bride, is mind-blowing. She never wanted this. She never wanted to be tied down to a guy, but she is, and she loves him. And she loves me, the troubled teen who was hell-bent on ruining them all. She never stopped loving me too. I think it was always love at first sight for the both of us. She was my person and I am hers. I may tease her about this wedding, but I’m so excited I can’t contain it.

My two favorite people are becoming one. It gives me hope, really, that

not all people are shit. They show me the meaning of love, that people stick things out even when they don’t want to, and I’m so grateful to be there every step of the way. I’m scared shitless of doing this with Jude. Completely trusting him… But I don’t think there is another way. If he breaks my heart, cheats on me, and leaves me, then at least I’ll know I tried. Phillip and Reese tried, and look, now she’s in a wedding dress. You just have to try.

I look back at Reese and her hands come up to her stomach as she takes in a deep breath, meeting my gaze in the mirror. “Do you think Phillip will love it?”

I nod slowly. “He’s gonna be floored. That dress was made for you, Reese. It’s amazing.”

She smiles and my heart comes out of my chest when a tear slowly rolls down her cheek. Coming up on the platform with her, I wrap my arms around her and she hugs me back tightly, kissing my temple before I nuzzle my face in her neck. As I hold her, I can’t believe how much everything has changed. How did I go from having such a crappy life, where I basically didn’t care if I lived or died, to now having all this?

An uncle and aunt who love me.

And now a guy who’s falling for me.

I sorta want to pinch myself to make sure it’s all real.

After getting the dresses packaged up and carried to the car for Reese to take home, we head down the road to our favorite sushi place. Sitting in the booth, we order before settling into easy conversation that comes naturally to us. Everyone always assumes we’re sisters, and while I don’t mind that, I consider her more my mom than anything. She’s stern when she needs to be and loves me unconditionally. It’s a great balance, and I love her for it. My mom was never that way. All she cared about was the men, drugs, and the booze; I was always a ninth thought. It sucked, but I learned from it, and I feel like it’s made me stronger. I thought I didn’t need anyone back then, I thought I was fine on my own, but now I know I was so wrong.

I could have lived without love, but I learned I thrive with it. And now that I’ve have it, I can’t be without it.

“Remember you have that pole class next week,” Reese reminds me as I stuff my face with a piece of sushi.

Nodding while covering my mouth, I chew up the piece and then wash it down with water before saying, “Yeah, Wednesday, is everyone coming?”

She smiles. “Well, Piper is bitching ’cause she’s pregnant and doesn’t know why I’m making her continue the class when she’s getting bigger, but I told her to shut up. We started as a group, we’ll finish as a group.”

“Awesome, I can’t wait to see everyone,” I say, speaking of my Assassins family.

“Yeah, they are excited. I heard Fallon is getting a pole installed in the bedroom,” she laughs and I laugh along.

“I bet Uncle Lucas loves that.”

“You know he does,” she says, shaking her head. “They are crazy, but it’s fun.”

“Agreed. I’m using that dance for one at Ms. Prissy’s. Do you think that’s bad? Like recycling dances?”

“No, not at all. It’s a private class. We’re just testing the waters, no big deal.”

“Okay, cool,” I say. “Ms. Prissy was telling me some investors are coming.”

“Wow,” Reese says, looking up at me. “That’s huge. When I was there, we had some come from Florida and Texas – opened up two new Prissy’s and I even went to train the staff. It’s a lot of fun and lots of money to be made. I actually had the chance to run one of the Prissy’s, but I had just been accepted to the dance company. Make sure those are the best dances you’ve ever come up with for the club. This could be good for your career.”

“Yeah,” I say as my stomach drops. “Do you think it could be a career? Burlesque?”

She nods as she meets my gaze. “Claire, you could be the best burlesque choreographer I’ve ever seen. You have amazing talent. That’s why Ms. Prissy pays you way more than she ever paid me. You’re doing well for yourself. Not everyone can say they make two grand for a two-minute piece at the age of nineteen. Lord knows, I couldn’t. You could own your own club and succeed, so make sure you impress those investors.”

“I will. I really want this. I think that it would be good not only for Ms. Prissy but for me.”

“It can be. Believe me. Big things can happen, babe.”

I smile, excited about it all. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and hoping that maybe this is my break to get into the world of dance. Choreographing amazing dances for Las Vegas shows would be amazing, and I love burlesque. It’s so sexy and fun, and I know I’m good at it.

“Can I come and show you what I’ve got so far?” I ask, needing her support.

“Of course.”