“How is that a good thing?!”

Looking up at me, she says, “’Cause all this ass is yours.”

Something hot lights up her eyes and I reach for her, pulling her against me as I nod slowly. “Yeah, you’re right, that is a good thing. A really good thing.”

I may have lost, but really, with that last statement, I think I just won.

Chapter 21


I love walking with Claire like this.

My arm is around her shoulders, her arm comes across her body and her fingers are laced with mine. She’s tucked into my side, so close and it feels as if she’s molded into me. Like a part of me, almost.

It’s comfortable. It’s right to me.

“I have to admit,” she starts and I look down to meet her blazing blue gaze. “I didn’t expect you to sing so well.”

“Ah, underestimating me. How shitty of you.” She laughs, and I smile before saying, “Yeah, my mom always says when I don’t want to play hockey anymore that I need to sing, but I won’t ever not want to play hockey.”

“I haven’t seen you play yet, but I know how hockey players are, and that’s usually how it is. All-in or nothing.”

I nod. “Yup, very true. You have a nice voice.”

“Thanks,” she says with a grin. “I have a karaoke voice but not a stage voice. I’m more of a dancer, I think.”

“Yeah, I have to agree with you on that. I’ve seen you dance, which, by the way, what do you mean you haven’t seen me play? That’s just sad. We’ve been dating for almost a week, and you haven’t seen me murder the ice yet. I’m so appalled.”

She laughs, turning out of my arms and then dropping her hand from mine to wrap around my waist. Looking up into my eyes, she grins and I’m lost in her gaze. It’s heart-stopping, honestly.

“I promise to come to your next practice. When is it?”

“Saturday, 5:30 a.m.”

“Good God! Why?”

I laugh. “’Cause my coach is evil.”

“Agreed. Jeez, yeah, I’ll be there.”

“Awesome,” I say and she wraps her arms around me a little more firmly. My heart warms as she tucks back into my side and we begin walking again. I feel so right with her like this. I feel as if this is what I’m supposed to do all the time. Close to my girl, her body pressed to mine and walking, silently, with no cares in the world because I have her to myself. It’s perfect.

When we reach the Bullies’ house, I stop and look down at her. “So where are we going? Am I taking you back to your dorm, or are you staying here?”

She grins up at me. “Can you keep your hands to yourself?”

I smirk. “I can try, but more than likely, I won’t.”

“Should I go home then?”

“No, you should come in,” I say, kissing her temple. We start for the door and she says, “I have to leave early though. I have to go dress shopping with Reese.”

“Do you need a ride?”

“No, I’ll go get my car and head out.”

“Want to go get it now?”