I shrug my shoulders. “I wasn’t done talking to you.”

She drops her hand from the tree and turns to look at me.

“Oh, really? What do you want to talk about?”

“The weather?” I ask.

“It’s cold,” she says with a look that tells me she’s bored.

I smile. “Maybe you could tell me your name?”


“So I can call you something else other than the most gorgeous girl on campus.”

It’s cheesy, but hey, it works.

Her eyes widen as she shakes her head. “Does that actually work on girls?”

Or maybe it doesn’t.


She smiles. “That’s so sad. You might need to come up with something better. Anyway, see you around.”

I watch as she turns her back to me and starts walking away once more. I watch as her ass sways back and forth, and I can’t believe that my line or my charm wasn’t working on her. This should be an easy bag, but I can tell she’s a tough nut to crack. I think I should walk away, chalk this one up as a loss, but then again, I never lose.

So I do the next logical thing, I follow her.

Chasing after her, I fall into step with her once more. She’s quick, but I’m quicker. Looking over at me, she rolls her eyes.

“Are you stalking me?”

I scoff. “Not at all. I just want to talk to you, know your name. I’ve never seen you before. Are you a transfer?”

“Sheesh, are you the CIA? Why so many questions?”

I smile as she stops, turning to look at me. A smile is pulling at her glossed-up lips, and it takes everything out of me to look from her lips to her eyes. “I told you I want to know you.”

“Why?” she asks with her eyebrow arched as she put her hands on her hips.

I shrug. I could either lie or be brutally honest, and since I didn’t like to lie to girls, I say, “You have a great ass, and much to my delight, your face is even better. So I think it’s easy to say I’m pretty attracted to you.”

She blinks a few times and then smiles. “Wow, you are something else.”

I grin. “Is that a good thing or bad?”

She smiles back and then turns to walk away. Looking over her shoulder, she calls, “Good thing.”

I couldn’t stop smiling if I tried, but then I realize she’s making a run for it, again. “Hey!”

She turns around, walking backward, her face bright as she looks back at me. “What?”

“Am I going to have to chase you all over campus just to find out your name?”

She laughs before bringing her bottom lip between her teeth. Very sexy. “Maybe?”

She continues to walk backward, her body calling to mine, and soon I’m nodding as I pick up the pace to meet up with her. “Are you in a rush, or are you trying to get rid of me?”