“I think we did which means we need to have makeup sex or kiss or something.”

“You just want a reason to touch me inappropriately.”

“Of course I do,” he says like it’s general knowledge, when really, it is. I was dumb to assume otherwise.

“Anyway, but yeah, back to dance issues. Reese told me to say something to them.”

“You should. You’re the girl to bring life back into the team.”

That makes me smile a little harder than it should. “Thanks. I’ll let you get back to hockey. I was gonna leave you a message. Didn’t mean to stress you out and be a bitch.”

He laughs. “You didn’t, and I want to know what this message was gonna say.”

I think for only a second and know exactly what it was gonna say. “It was gonna say that I hope you kiss me really hard when I see you next.”

“That would be a really hot message to get. Let’s hang up and you do it for me, okay?”

I bite into my lip to stop from grinning harder. “Okay.”

“And another thing.”


“I promise to do just that when I see you, baby. Gotta make up for being an asshole.”

I blush, covering my face with my hands. “You weren’t an asshole, and I can’t wait,” I say breathlessly.

“Me neither. I’ll text ya when I’m done.”

“Okay, bye.”

“Bye, babe.”

When the phone goes dead, I dial his number again and it goes straight to voice mail. Smiling extremely hard, I say, “I hope you kiss me really hard when I see you next. Which I hope is very soon. Have fun, text me later.”

Before I can say anything more, I hang up the phone and sit with a contented grin on my face. I like him. A lot. Way more than I’ve ever liked a guy. It scares me how strongly I feel about him. I may be rushing into this, and it may be insane of me, but I feel good about it.

I just hope he doesn’t prove me wrong.

“So heard you’re dating Jude Sinclair.”

I look up into my mirror to see Tessi standing behind me. She’s wearing only a pair of panties, her brown hair in curls down her chest, covering her boobs. I lift an eyebrow before coming closer to the mirror to fix my eyelash. “Yeah, I am.”

“You know he’s been around, like, everywhere, right?”

My lips go in a straight line as I nod. I know this isn’t the last time I’ll hear this, but coming from my friend kinda makes it worse. “Yeah, I know.”

“Okay, but you know, like, everyone, right? I mean, I think a good 70% of the girls in the school have been with him.”

“That’s a little exaggerated, don’t you think?”

She thinks for a second. “No, I don’t. Girls love him, and we all know Jude loves the ladies.”

“Have you slept with him?” I ask, and while I wait for her to answer, I try to figure out if I’m gonna care.

Her face twists in disgust. “Hell no. I don’t sleep with anyone, remember?”

Relief floods me as I nod. “Yeah, I forgot.”