“For fuck’s sake,” Jayden s

ays as I glare.

“Don’t talk about her like that, and it’s none of your fucking business,” I sneer as Jayden pushes me back.

“Whoa, calm down, killer. Max is an idiot.”

“I don’t get what the big deal is. It’s pissing me off. Not only are they are coming at me, but they’re talking about Claire and shit. They’re even coming up to her and telling her I’m a manwhore.”

“You are a manwhore,” he says, and when I flash him a dark look, he adds, “Reformed, manwhore, but what do you expect? You showboated yourself all over this campus as the biggest cock in Bellevue, so of course, there are going to be repercussions from it. The question you need to ask yourself is, is it true? Are you a manwhore?”

I shrug. “I don’t think so. At least not anymore. I know, it’s only been a week, but Jay, I haven’t even wanted anyone else but her. I’m completely infatuated with her. It’s kind of scary.”

“And weird,” Jayden adds as he shakes his head. “So be you, Jude. You didn’t give a shit what people thought before, don’t start now.”

“Yeah,” I agree before letting out a breath. “I just don’t want her to start agreeing with them.”

“From what you’ve told me, dude, I think she’s the kind of girl who thinks for herself. Don’t worry about it, just be you, okay?”

I nod. “Sure.”

“Sinclairs! Get your asses over here and get to work! This isn’t teatime! It’s working time!”

Sharing a look, we smirk at each other before heading to the goal to get our plays. I can always depend on my brother, no matter what, and I’m lucky for that. Above all, though, he’s completely right. I’ve never cared when girls talked shit about me because they always ended up in my bed. Didn’t care that dudes were jealous of me because I got the most ass and play the best game. No, I did me, and I’m going to continue that.

I just now have sexy redhead beside me as I do it.

After a grueling practice, I stand within the circle of my teammates as Coach goes over more plays. “I’m pushing you so that we can be the best. All of you have been handpicked for this team by me, and I pick winners. So in two weeks when we face Nashville Tech, we will win, we will dominate, and we will make everyone proud to be a Bellevue Bully. I am proud of this team already and will be even more when we bring the championship home. Now make sure you study, focus on your classes, and above all, stay away from girls, and stop partying.”

We all yell “Yup” together before all coming in, yelling, “Bellevue Bullies.” Skating beside Matt and Trevor, I ask, “Doesn’t he know that we still fool with the girls and party?”

They laugh then Trevor goes, “Well, you are only fooling with one now. Does that mean you’re not gonna party anymore too?”

“Ah, fuck off. Of course I’m going to party.”

“Sure, you are, she’ll have you whipped into shape in no time. No more partying, no more anything except if you’re with her, and while we’re out having a blast, you’ll be at home knitting a sweater. You wait,” Matt says as he skates by me.

“What the hell ever, no girl will control me or have me knitting.”

“I think you said you’d never have a girlfriend too,” he says, looking back at me. “Funny how things change, huh?”

Glaring, I don’t say anything as I watch him head into the locker room. I want to tell him he’s an asshole, but it doesn’t come out before he disappears behind the door. His words hit me in the gut, and I feel like I can’t breathe. While I don’t want to believe his words, I can’t help but think this is the reason why I didn’t want a girlfriend. I didn’t want someone controlling me the way my dad controls my mom. That’s why I’ve been solo my whole life; I don’t want to depend on someone and then have them fail me. But for some reason, with Claire, I forget everything.

Finally finding my footing, I head off the ice and then to the locker room with Matt’s words replaying in my head. Maybe I rushed into this, but as soon as I think it, I want to take it back. It isn’t like that with Claire. She’s a cool chick, relaxed and fun. She wouldn’t do what my dad does to my mom, and I know that when I’ve only known her for maybe a week.

Be you, Jude.

Right. Jayden is right. That’s all I need to do. Stop worrying about what other people say and just be me.

After my first class…

Me: Did you know that apparently since I’m dating one girl I’ve stopped partying?

Claire: It happens like that?

Me: Apparently. Stupid, huh?

Claire: Not as stupid as what this girl just said to me.