I see my name at the top, and while excitement envelops me, I quickly search the list for Skylar’s, and I let out a breath when I find it at the bottom. “Oh, thank God,” I say and she laughs.

“Preston is gonna be at the bottom! We all can’t be As!”

I smile and we embrace. I didn’t think I wanted this as much as I do. I’m so happy, especially to be doing it with my best friend. Pulling away, I say, “I’m proud of you.”

“Well, I’m proud of you. Now come on, let’s go rock this first practice.”

I agree and then turn, running smack-dab into Jude. “Oh hey!” I say with a grin, giving him a quick kiss.

He grins down at me and then pulls a rose out from behind his back. “Congratulations.”

“Oh, come on! You don’t give girls flowers!” Skylar whines, and I giggle as I take the rose, smelling its sweet scent.

“Sure I do, for the right ones,” he says before winking at me.

I’m turning into a giggler because that’s exactly what I do before saying, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Wanna meet up tonight? Or do you need to study?”

“Study, sorry, rain check? Lunch tomorrow?”

“Of course, text me when you’re done with practice to let me know how it goes. Good luck and congrats again,” he says and then kisses me so deeply that I’m a tad bit shy when he pulls away, kissing my nose. “See ya, gorgeous.”

“I made the team too, Jude. Do I get a hug, kiss, or anything? Shit!” Skylar jokes, and I laugh as he kisses my nose again.

Holding up his hand, Skylar high-fives him as he says, “Congrats, Skylar, I knew you would make it.”

“A high five? Before you’d at least smack my ass!”

He laughs and I do too. I know she’s playing around. Skylar loves me too much; she wouldn’t hurt me.

“Yeah, that was before I started dating Claire.”

He sends me one last grin before walking away as both of us watch.

Beside me, Skylar says, “I have no clue who that is.”

“That’s my man, Jude Sinclair,” I say with a little wiggle.

When I glance over at her, she isn’t laughing or smiling; her face is contorted in a perplexed matter. “Why did you lie to him? Maybe you’ll study between sets, but still, you will be at work.”

My face burns with color and so does my throat as I avoid eye contact. “I don’t want to tell him about that. It isn’t who I am; it’s a quick dollar so that I can have a steady life when I graduate.”

“I get that, but you probably need to tell him.”

“I will, come on. Let’s go to practice before we’re late.”

Thankfully she agrees with not another word on the subject. While I know I need to tell him, I also think that maybe it doesn’t matter. I work midnight to three in the morning, and I wear a disguise.

No one knows it’s me. Hell, it’s not really me, so why does it matter?

As much as I want to think it doesn’t matter, I know it might matter to Jude, and that makes me more nervous than falling for him. I can’t quit; I need that money to make sure I never have to depend on anyone for the rest of my life. It’s gonna help me get my business. It’s gonna be the start to my new life, but I have a feeling that Jude won’t see it that way.

Chapter 14


Falling into my bed, a smile is on my lips as I dig my phone out of my pocket. It has been signaling a text for the last thirty minutes, but I really don’t care. My thoughts are solely on a certain fiery redhead who I can’t seem to get enough of. Glancing at the display, I see that I have twelve texts. Groaning, I scan through them all, seeing they all have the same thing in common.