“I’ve waited all morning to do that.”

Her lips curve up even more, her teeth gleaming, and I see that one of her bottom teeth is a little crooked. For some reason, I find that incredibly sexy, and I can’t help but kiss her again. Her tongue comes out, licking my bottom lip, and I groan before deepening the kiss more, moving my tongue with hers. I want to rip her clothes off and then mine and slam her against a wall, but I know we don’t have time for that. We’ll be lucky if we have time for lunch. Parting so slowly, I grin against her lips as her hand comes up to cup my face.

“Tell me you don’t have anything planned for the next hour.”

She laughs. “Skylar is studying, so we can’t go back there.”

I give her a playful scolding look before saying, “Who said anything about that? I want to sit on the quad and eat lunch with ya.”

Her face warms even more as she nods slowly. “I think I have time for that,” she says with a wink, lacing her fingers with mine.

Reaching down, I get her books for her, and we start toward the food court for some sandwiches before finding a nice spot in the sun. There is a chilly wind, but with the sun, it feels amazing. Crossing her legs, she sits down with her sandwich in her lap, taking a sip of her Coke as I do the same, opening my sandwich and taking a huge bite.

“How’s your day been so far?”

I shrug. “It’s better now.”

She giggles before taking a bite of her sandwich, causing me to grin.

“Yours?” I ask.

She shrugs too. “It’s been okay. Phillip has been calling me all day, and I’m ignoring him. Thanks for that, by the way. I was in a sex daze yesterday and really didn’t care what you did, but today, I’m a little mad at you.”

I send her one of my sweet smiles that I use to get me out of trouble with my mom and she caves quickly. She knows it too because she throws a chip at me as I laugh.

Going up on my knees, I crawl to her, my hands on either side of her hips and my face right in front of hers as I press my lips to her nose before whispering, “Sorry about that.”

She pushes me away playfully but as I go to sit, she grabs my shirt, pressing her lips to mine again before releasing me for her sandwich. “Apology accepted, but you best believe there will be repercussions. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes down here looking for you. He’ll probably threaten you some more, so be ready… I mean, if we still see each other and shit, which, by the way, what are we doing here? This isn’t Jude Sinclair behavior according to the vast majority of our peers.” Leaning toward me, she whispers, “Word on the street is you’ve been seen multiple times with a fiery redhead. Some say you’ve been taken off the market. This redhead must be something.”

I laugh as I shake my head. “She is.”

Her mouth curves in a grin as she picks at the lettuce on her sandwich. “So really, Jude, are we just having fun? Or what?”

I watch her as I ask, “What do you want?”

She laughs as she looks up at me. “I mean, what I want might not be what you want.”

“So tell me anyway,” I say, taking a drink of my Coke. “You never know.”

“I wouldn’t mind this going somewhere. It wouldn’t be horrible to be with the hottest guy on campus.”

I scoff as I grab her by her ankles, pulling her to me. She shrieks as I pull her between my legs, her legs sliding inside my hips and mine resting around hers. Meeting her gaze, I say, “I wouldn’t mind that either.”

“I find that hard to believe, but hell, people change.”

“You’re right…when there is someone to change for.”

Her grin grows as she nods slowly. “Absolutely, but I’ve been warned not to rush this.”

“Funny, so have I,” I say and we share a grin.

“So, let’s do this. We’re dating and after, what, ten dates? We’ll decide if we want to become Facebook official?”

I eye her. “Do these dates include sex?”

She shakes her head. “Heck no, we jumped the gun last night. I think we should draw it out. Get to know each other and then see if this is what you want.”

“You mean what we want.”