“I can see it happening, and when you make it, make sure not to forget us little people.”

I laugh out loud at that as I cup our hands in my other hand. “Please, you’ll be some hotshot hockey player with babes throwing themselves all over you. So really, who will forget whom?”

He scoffs as he shakes his head. “I could never forget the most gorgeous girl in the world.”

He turns me then, taking me in his arms before crashing his lips to mine. As I kiss him, I snake my arms around his waist, holding him tightly as our lips move together in such an erotic way. I love how we fit. I’m only tad bit shorter than him, so he doesn’t have to bend to kiss me, and when we hug, we fit. As much as I want to say that it is meant to be, I’m not sure what is going to happen when Jude drops me off. I could always make sure that I see him again, but I refuse to beg for someone’s love. Been there, done that, never doing it again.

Cupping my jaw, he runs his thumb up and down my chin, searching my eyes for something. I’m not sure what it is, but before I can ask, my phone buzzes in my pocket, signaling a call.

“Oops, hold on,” I say, pulling away to pull my phone out. Jude doesn’t go far, his arms are still around my waist and his lips rest at my temple as I look at the display to see it’s Phillip. “I’m sorry, I have to answer this.”

“That’s cool, baby.”

Swooning. Ugh. Hitting answer, I say, “Hey!”

“Hey, you. Heard you killed at your audition today. I’m proud of you. Reese recorded it and, boy, you smoked that dance.”

I smile broadly as I look down at the ground. “Thanks, I’ll send you a text tomorrow and let you know if I make it or not.”

“There’s no question. They’ll be dumb not to take you.”

I laugh as I rock back on my heels, but Jude doesn’t let me get far. “I hope so. Are you home?”

“Yeah, got in about an hour go. I leave out again Friday, though.”

“Crap, I probably won’t get to see ya then.”

“Probably not. I miss you.”

“I miss you more.”

My heart explodes in my chest as I grin. “So tell me why Reese is crying at, like, everything. It’s scary.”

“Well, you did say some really great things that could even bring tears to my eyes, but really, I don’t know, she’s weird… Oopphmm, damn, Reese! That hurt!”

I laugh as I ask, “What happened?”

“She kicked me in the gut. Damn it, she’s crazy, I’m telling you.”

I hear Reese in the background and then she’s on the phone. “Hey, did you ask Jude to the wedding?”

“Ugh Reese, please,” I say and I hear Phillip start asking who Jude is. “We’re only friends.”

But when I chance a glance at him to see he’s watching me, his eyes tell me we’re way more than friends…but for how long?

As he takes my phone from me, I shriek in shock as he puts the phone to his ear and says, “Reese? Hey, it’s Jude Sinclair. Yeah, it was wonderful meeting you, but I want to say, Claire and I are way more than friends. Yup…okay…yeah.”

I try to take the phone from him, but he’s stronger than I am, holding me out from him as he continues to talk to my family!

“Mr. Anderson, yes, it’s wonderful to speak with you.”

I stop struggling then, my eyes going wide. He’s talking to Phillip! Fuck!

“As I was telling your fiancée, this thing between me and Claire is special, and oh, you don’t care? Oh. Okay. Well, I hope to prove to you that that is unnecessary. Yes, sir, thank you.”

When he hands me my phone, his lips are in a grim line. I put the phone to my ear just as Phillip yells, “What the hell do you mean she’s dating someone? And why put me on the phone with the guy? I don’t want to talk to him!”

Deciding that I do not want to speak to my uncle, I hang up the phone and then shyly glance up at Jude. “Sorry?”