Glaring at both of them, I stomp away, mad that I considered having sex with a cheating bastard, a crab-infested asshole, and then mad that I allowed Hey Jude to kiss the living stuffing out of me and make me want to have sex with him in the middle of the courtyard. There is something dangerous about him, and if I’m not careful, Hey Jude will have me naked and on top of him within seconds. The only thing is I’m not sure I want that. I mean, yeah, I want him, but I’m not sure if I only want him once. I may not know him, but I like him a little too much, and that scares me. I’ve never been in love, never felt those so-called butterflies, but as I’m walking away, those butterflies are going insane in my stomach. Which means one thing:

Jude Sinclair is undeniably trouble.

So when Skylar said that the dance girls were bitches, she wasn’t kidding.

Before we even did the group choreographed part, Rachael, the captain, cut nine girls based on their body type and looks. It was rude and disgusting. I felt horrible for this one girl who started crying, and I was two seconds from walking out, but then I saw Reese was in the bleachers, watching. I couldn’t walk out when she had come to watch, so I decided to stay in. After learning the dance, which I’m sure my nine-year-olds from the dance studio came up with, Skylar and I murdered it and were passed through to the second round. We started with forty girls and now were at twelve. They were only t

aking five, though. I was confident in us, but still nerves settled in my stomach.

“Okay, so we have to wait for the guys to get here. They’ll be here in like two–” Before Rachael could even finish her sentence, the door was thrown open and in came a group of hot hockey guys. All of them were thick and big, and goodness, where the hell have I been? I have gone to the Bullies’ games, but I never noticed how sexy the team was. I looked for Jude, hating how excited I am to see him, but I don’t actually see him. Finally though, he brings up the rear, looking down at his phone and not really paying attention.

“So nice of y’all to be on time,” Rachael says and Jude laughs.

“You’re lucky we graced you with our presences, Rachael,” Jude says, looking up from his phone.

“I can do without it.”

“That’s not what you said last night,” he teases, and my stomach recoils at the thought of him with her as everyone laughs, causing Rachael’s face to turn red.


He rolls his eyes and I know he’s lying. He wasn’t with her. He doesn’t even like her. “But really, I apologize, ladies. I told Rachael we’d be late. We had practice.”

Everyone smiles and giggles as he flashes them a lady-killing smile before tucking his phone in his pocket. Rachael then snaps, “Whatever, come on, hurry up.”

He sticks his tongue out at her before looking out at us, and it seems everyone stands a bit taller, even I do the same. When his eyes lock with mine, he grins, and I swear I’m on fire. My belly does a weird flip-floppy thing, and suddenly the day before, the feel of his lips on mine, washes over me, and I want nothing more than to have a repeat show. I know he’s feeling the same thing because his eyes darken and are hooded as he holds my gaze. His mouth turns up at the side as he slowly lowers himself onto the bleachers, his eyes still not leaving mine as he grabs the paddle from someone, probably Rachael.

“Okay, so,” Rachael says, and I cringe as I move my eyes from his. She has a nasally, annoying voice that makes me was to claw out my eardrums. “I’m gonna go through everyone’s apps, and then we will decide the order for the solos. Everyone has two minutes to impress us and the guys. We take the guys’ scores and what we think, and then tomorrow we will post the five new members. You are lucky you made it this far. Bring your A game or get the hell out.”

“Gosh, she’s a breath of fresh air.”

I glance back to see Reese grinning at me. “I thought she was to the point, like you.”

She gives me a deadpan look before smacking my ass playfully. Looking back at Rachael, I feel Jude’s eyes on me, and when I look, I’m right. His eyes are doing a lazy stroll down my body, his mouth curving as he drinks me in. I’m usually very confident in my sports bra and booty shorts since this is my uniform most the time. Not to brag, but I have a great body, toned and lean, but my thighs are a little thick and my ass could stand my not eating those late-night bags of Cheetos. But under his gaze it doesn’t seem like he cares. He wants me. And damn it, I want him.

“Claire Anderson?”

I look back at Rachael and raise my hand. “That’s me.”

I walk to the center of the floor and cross my leg behind my ankle, holding my hands behind me. She looks me over and she says, “How long have you been dancing?”

“My whole life,” I answer.

“With, oh, Reese Allen’s Dance Company? Your whole life?”

I nod. “Yup.”

The whole dance team sizes me up and then looks back down at the paper in front of them, marking with their red pens. I figure that means I’m done, so I head back to where Reese and Skylar stand. When I feel Reese’s hand slide into mine, I glance back as she says, “I hope you don’t get in trouble for lying.”

I shake my head. “I’m not lying.”

“Claire, you’ve only danced with me for three years.”

I smile. “Yeah, but my life didn’t start until I came to you and Phillip.”

I expected that to please her. I don’t think I’ve told them enough how much they changed me, but what I don’t expect is for her eyes to well up before she wraps me up tightly in her arms, kissing my cheek.

“I love you so much, Claire,” she cries into my neck, and I hold her as she cries. I’m frozen because Reese doesn’t cry. She’s a hide your emotions kind of girl, and I am completely stunned.