My agent, who is also Jude’s and Jace’s agent, didn’t want to put me in the draft last year with Jude, and it crushed me. Along with that and then my dad leaving, I was devastated and I thought my agent was an idiot. But now I realize I wasn’t ready. Playing hockey isn’t easy. It’s a hard sport that I love, but unfortunately it doesn’t come easy to me. Unlike my brothers, I have to work hard to be good, to make it look effortless. With that and the fact that my head wasn’t right, his choice of my waiting a year was smart. But I will be ready next year. I’m gonna be in the big leagues with my brother. I’m gonna be able to help support my sister and my mom the way Jude has been doing.

Ever since my dad and mom divorced, things have been a little tense, and that’s not only money-wise. It’s hard when you live with someone for so long, look up to them, trust them to be the hero you thought they were, and then find out it was all a damn lie. I loved my dad—hell, I wish I could say I still did. But after all the hell he put us through, it’s hard. I want to forgive him, but how can I when he won’t even apologize? Instead, he is driving my mom crazy, leaving her scrambling for a way to make it, and not giving two shits about me and my siblings. Lucy is opening a design company, Jude is going to the NHL, Jace is going into college, and yeah, maybe I’m just working hard to get to the NHL, but still, he doesn’t care. We are an afterthought. It’s sad.

Everything has changed, and I’m not gonna lie—I’m scared. Before, Jude and I had everything paid for and we rocked it, but now, it isn’t like that. We have to make our own money, and I refuse to take anything from Jude, minus this trip. Everything needs to go to my mom; she’s the one who raised us and loved us to the point of smothering us. Thankfully, Claire paid off the house, but there are still other bills that need to be paid. My mom is working, but it’s hard on her. She’s still trying to come back from being cheated on and learning to be a single adult. My sister is stressed because my mom is stressed. As much as Jace tries to act like it doesn’t affect him, I know it does. Jude is constantly worrying about my mom, and for some reason, I’m worrying about everyone. It’s fucking hard.

So, yeah. Girls are the last thing on my fucking mind.

Can you blame me?

Glaring, I say, “First, I’m not in the mood to chase after some girls. I don’t know about you, but shit’s been sucking lately. I’m working two jobs right now while still doing my summer reading list and training my ass off. Shit, I want to relax. So please, excuse me if I don’t want to find a girl to fuck. I’m happy just sitting here hanging with my brothers… But, oh wait, I can’t because one is too busy trying to play hide and seek with his dick, and the other won’t do anything but text his girlfriend. Happy fucking vacation, guys.”

Nothing is said for a moment; the only things I hear are the waves crashing and girls laughing. They are both staring at me like I just called them both fuckers, and after I replay my words in my head, I may have come off like a bit of an asshole.

“Well, that escalated quickly,” Jace says, dropping down in the chair beside me and reaching for a Coke before popping the top. “Jeez.”

“Sure did,” Jude agrees before typing something and then tucking his phone in his pocket. “Excuse me for missing my girlfriend.”

“And excuse me for wanting to get laid,” Jace adds as they both look at me.

“You’re excused,” I decide before pulling my teal and black Bellevue Bullies ball cap down over my eyes to hide the sun. “I’m just saying.”

“No you aren’t saying anything; you’re bitching like a girl,” Jace says.

“At least I don’t look like one,” I throw back.

“He’s right about that,” Jude agrees with a grin. “But you’re right, I just miss her, okay? I’m sorry.”

“I get it. She’s special.”

“Yeah.” Jude grins. “I can’t wait to ask her to marry me.”

“It’s going to be great,” Jace agrees. We all love Claire, but it’s hard not to be jealous. She steals all of Jude’s attention. I used to be his best friend, but Claire took that spot. I want to say that I’m okay with it, but it’s just another thing that’s changed.

Everything is fucking changing.

Looking over at Jace, I give him an expectant look and he gives me one back.

“What? I’m not apologizing for wanting to get laid.”

Rolling my eyes, I look over at Jude and say, “See, he’s turning into a douche.”

“Yeah, maybe we should kick his ass?”

Jace scoffs and I shrug. “Or we could throw him into the ocean and drown him.”

“Mom might get mad. You know how much she loves the pretty boy,” Jude counters, and I nod as Jace glares.

“Y’all are just mad because I’m better looking, and you two are ugly.”

I scoff along with Jude as we both ignore him. “Yeah, but we can at least scare him out of his douchery.”

“This is true.” Jude nods, slowly removing his phone. I do the same. “He’s kinda fast.”

“I swear to God, I’ll kill you two,” Jace threatens, but we don’t hear him. It’s like old times.

Us two against the world.

“Yeah, but if you take his legs out, he can’t get far,” I suggest.