“’Cause I did that not even a week ago and the guy had crabs.”

I turn to leave but his hand wraps around my wrist, and instantly my arm catches on fire. As I look back into his hooded green eyes, he says, “First, I can give you a copy of my physical that says I’m completely clean, and second, don’t make me pay for some jerk-off’s mistakes.”

I smile as my eyes lock with his. I want nothing more than to lean into him and brush my lips against his. I bet his lips are soft. They look so plump, so inviting. I want to get lost in his eyes, his arms, his body. God, I haven’t ever felt like this. What is wrong with me? Oh my God, am I actually leaning into him? Oh shit. I am, and he is wanting it. His eyes are darker and he’s leaning toward me. Ack! Stop, Claire!

Stopping myself, I take a step back, putting a good arm’s length distance between us. Setting him with a look, I say, “You’re trouble, Hey Jude.”

He smiles one of those smiles that makes girls go out their mind and says, “And you are the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.”

“I highly doubt that, especially with the just-out-of-bed look I’m sporting, but thanks.”

Leaning into me, his lips by my ear, he says, “If this is what you look like out of bed, I can only imagine how you’d look in it.”

My mouth parts as my heart speeds up in my chest, banging hard against my ribcage as he pulls away, his eyes playfully on mine as I gasp for breath. “You’ll never find out,” I mutter as I take another step back.

“Maybe not today, but one day I will, and believe me, you’ll like what you see…and feel, of course.”

His voice is thick with lust and everything bad. I eye him cautiously before backing away from him. “Complete trouble.”

His mouth pulls up at the side, and he’s about to say something, but I run smack-dab into someone. Turning, I go to apologize, but it’s Allen.

“Claire, I was looking for you.”

“Ugh, why?” I whine as I let my shoulders fall and my head too. I don’t want to do this right now. My Monday was looking good for a second there, but of course, Allen would ruin that.

“He has something to say to you, don’t you, Allen?”

I look over to find that Jude is standing beside me. “Why are you still here?”

He flashes me a quick grin, but when he looks back at Allen, his look could kill. “’Cause I want to make sure he does what he needs to.”

“Are you his dad?” I ask, my face all scrunched up.

Looking back at me, his grin is back. “Nope, his captain.”

He says it like that explains it all, but it doesn’t. Confused, I look back at Allen as he says, “I’m sorry, Claire. I was wrong for messing around on you behind your back.”

My brow comes up before I glance back to Jude. “Did you threaten to beat him up or something?”

He’s still grinning as he shrugs. “If that’s what you want, I will, but no, I didn’t. Laps are my punishment for hurting you.”

Why does that make me giddy?

“It seems like he doesn’t mean it,” I say and Jude laughs.

“Yeah, I agree. Want me to beat him up?”

I glance over at Allen, who is glaring, and I shrug. “He has crabs, that’s punishment enough. But now I wish I wouldn’t have taken down those signs since I’m pretty sure you’re not sorry you cheated on me, but rather sorry you got caught. Don’t worry, I’m not the least bit upset about it. I might even move on pretty quickly, so don’t worry about me,” I say, then to show him he means nothing to me, I reach for Jude and place my lips against his.

It was supposed to be a quick kiss, but soon my lips are moving with his in a very, very slow and sexy way. His lips are soft and full, and God, he tastes good. Donuts. He must be carbing up. When his hands slide down my back, resting against my hips, I arch into him, deepening the kiss. People holler and the catcalls are ridiculous, but I don’t care. I’m too lost in his lips and the feel of his chest under my hands to care. He’s so hard and thick, oh sweet Lord, his body is a wonderland that I want to discover. When his fingers trail up my neck, that’s when something snaps inside me, reminding me that I shouldn’t be doing this. I pull away but he follows me, his teeth nibbling on my bottom lip before his lips assault me once more. You know, everyone always talks about sparks and fireworks when they kiss a guy – I hadn’t ever felt that before, but I do now. But sparks and fireworks really don’t do the way he kisses justice. It’s more like a bomb, a nuclear one, because when I pull back, I’m actually dizzy.

What the hell did he do to me?

Setting him with a look, I back away, smacking away his grabby hands that are trying to pull me back in.

“Hey, come here. I’m nowhere near done with that sweet mouth of yours,” he says, but I continue to smack his hands away before pointing at him.

“Trouble, pure freaking trouble is what you are!” Then I turn to look at Allen, and I wonder why he stayed to watch that, but whatever. “And you are an asshole. But no need to apologize, ’cause I want nothing to do with you.”