When the game ends, I take my time and shower. When I’m standing at the mirror, I actually consider shaving the beard that Claire loves. I even reach for the razor, but I know it’s out of spite, just to get rid of anything that reminds me of her. Then my eyes drift down to where her lips lay above my heart. I want to laugh. She told me not to do it, that it was too soon. Did she know that we would break up? Running my fingers along the lifelike tattoo, I feel tears sting my eyes. Letting out a breath, I walk away from my reflection with pain ripping me to shreds. I got the tattoo with the thought that it would remind me of the greatest love of my life, but all it does is remind me that I’m alone and without her.

Fuck, I was stupid, but I don’t regret it. I just need to get over the pain.

Getting dressed, I see that most everyone is gone, probably out meeting their families. I know that my family, minus Dad, is waiting for me, but I don’t want to leave the locker room. I know she’s out there. She might even be waiting for me. To be sure though, I text Jayden.

Me: Is Claire out there?

It doesn’t take long and Jayden answers.

Jayden: Yeah. She just talked to Mom and now is waiting by the door. You have no way of avoiding her.

I let out a long breath.

Me: Can you distract her?

Jayden: Lol. I would but I don’t want to.

Me: Jerk.

Jayden: I think you might thank me one day.

Me: Highly doubt that.

Jayden: We will see huh? Stop being a pussy and come out.

Me: Fuck you.

Jayden: Love you too.

Fucking jerk. Grabbing my bag, I throw it up on my shoulder and head out of the locker room to the lobby. Before I even get out the door, I see her. She’s leaning against the wall, her hands in the pockets of her sweats and her hair down, along her shoulders. When I’m fully out the door, she stands up, lacing her fingers together and coming to the middle the hall. I know I can go around her, completely ignore her, but for some dumbass reason, I stop in front of her.

Her lip wobbles, her eyes fill with tears, and I have to look away.

“I miss you,” she whispers, but I don’t say anything. I can’t. There is a lump in my throat, my heart is fucking dead, and I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to do. I need to just walk away.

“I love you, so much, and I’m really sorry,” she says softly, her voice heavy with emotion. “I’ve thought about you every second of every day for the last week. I’ve texted, called, Facebooked you, everything, in the hopes that you’ll talk to me. Give me a chance. I understand that you’re hurt, and I know I was wrong, but I’m probably a second away from dropping to my knees and begging you to be in my life. I’ve never begged anyone, Jude, no one, but I will for you. Just say the word.”

Still I don’t say anything, and when I look up to meet her sorrowful gaze, something inside me cracks, and my own eyes itch with tears.

“Okay, one-way talking here. At least you’re not walking away,” she says softly, her hand cupping her throat. I tuck my hand that’s not holding my bag in my pocket to keep from reaching out to cup her beautiful face, to wipe away the tears that are falling down her face. “I have a huge offer coming in from the investor in Vegas if my showcase goes well. I’d love for you to be there. I’m so nervous and so scared, and I know having you there will help. It’s Wednesday at nine at Ms. Prissy’s. I hope you’ll come.”

Looking away, I don’t trust myself to say either yes or no. I want to support her, but I can’t even think about doing that because this is what she was lying about. Can I even sit there and watch her move on that stage, knowing that she hid this from me? Looking back down at her, I suck in a deep breath and then I walk away without a word.

“I don’t give up, Jude Sinclair,” she yells suddenly, making me pause mid-step. Everyone turns, looking at us, and I’m frozen. I’m immediately taken back to the first day I met her, when she didn’t want to give me her number or have anything to do with me. The day when I knew she was going to be the one to change me completely. How right I was.

“I love you,” she says. “I won’t give up.”

I don’t dare look back. Instead I finally will myself to move and head to where my family waits, but even then I don’t stop. I keep going and once I’m outside, the cold hitting me in the face, I look up at the sky and gasp for breath. It’s a stunning, clear night, big, beautiful stars in the sky, and that should calm me, but it just pisses me off. Stars remind me of Claire.

I’m about to look away but then a fucking shooting star sh

oots through the air. One would take that as a sign. Me? I flip it the middle finger.

Chapter 48

