Hey Jude: You did lose me, stop texting me.

Looking up, I can’t see Reese and Phillip because of the tears in my eyes. Laying my phone down, I shake my head as they roll down my face. “He said to stop texting him.”

Reese makes a noise of distress and Phillip goes, “I can still kill him, Claire. Just say the word.”

But I don’t want to say the word; I just want Jude to come back to me.

It’s been three days.

Three days of nothing from Jude. Not a single text, call, Facebook post, tweet, nothing. It’s like he fell off the face of the earth. I haven’t seen him on campus, I haven’t heard anything, and it’s honestly killing me. I just don’t get it. How does someone disappear? And doesn’t he miss me? I mean, I feel like my heart isn’t even in my chest, that he took it. I can’t concentrate on anything. Not school, not work, not even the damn showcase that I have to plan. I have to start teaching the girls this weekend, and I don’t even think I’ll have anything. Every time I go to work something up, I just imagine Jude walking away from me and I crumple in a pool of tears.

I need to see him. I need him to see me. Maybe that will help.

I head to the Bullies’ house, my heart in my throat as I sweat bullets, but when I get there, Jude and Jayden aren’t there.

“They haven’t been back in a couple days. They had a family emergency,” Matt says, leaning against the door. “Shouldn’t you know that?”

“Yeah, I should,” I say and then I turn to leave as my heart aches in my chest. Heading to the car, I get in and slam the door behind me. I’d head out to his mom’s house, but I don’t remember how to get there. I also wouldn’t want to face his family when I know they know that I’m a liar.

I need to know that he’s okay, though.

Opening my Facebook, I find Jayden’s profile and message him.

Claire Anderson: Hey Jayden, I came by to the house to try to talk to Jude but you guys aren’t here. They said it’s a family emergency. I was just wanting to make sure that you all were okay.

Unlike his brother, Jayden answers me.

Jayden Sinclair: Hey, yeah, Mom isn’t handling everything well. My dad is being a dick and keeps threatening to come by here. Since my sister has Angie here, we’ve decided to camp out till we can convince my mom to call the cops. She’s being stubborn.

Claire Anderson: I’m sorry that this is all going on.

Jayden Sinclair: Yeah, it sucks. It will be over soon.

Claire Anderson: Yeah, very soon, I hope.

Biting into my lip, I take in a deep breath and type what I really want to know.

Claire Anderson: How is he?

Jayden Sinclair: Not good.

My eyes cloud with tears as I suck in a deep breath, letting it out in a whoosh.

Claire Anderson: He won’t answer my calls, my texts, my anything. I can’t get him to talk to me. I don’t know what to do.

Jayden Sinclair: I don’t know what to tell you to do. All I know is that he’s hurting bad, and anytime anyone brings you up, he flips his lid but then I saw him watching the video on his Facebook. The one of you dancing, so I don’t know. I don’t know if it is his pride that won’t let him talk to you or if it’s the fact that he really doesn’t want to be with you. I think it’s the former though, if that’s any help.

Claire Anderson: It does. Thank you. I really am sorry, for everything. For the pain your mom is going through and for Jude. I never meant to hurt him.

Jayden Sinclair: I try to believe that no one ever really wants to hurt the person they love. In my mom and da

d’s situation that statement isn’t true but with you and Jude, I think it is. He loves you Claire, I know he does, you just have to figure out a way to reach him.

I read his message twice and then it’s like a light bulb goes off above my head.

Claire Anderson: I think I know how.

An hour later I’m in the middle of the studio with Skylar standing in front of me with the camera.