Hey Jude: Lol. Yeah u are. U naughty, naughty girl.

I smile.

Me: Stop, ur turning me on.

Hey Jude: Oh yeah? Hmm. I like that it doesn’t take much.

Me: Ha. I bet ur hard just thinking about me being turned on.

Hey Jude: Guilty.

Holding my stomach, I laugh so hard as I roll over to my stomach, holding my phone as I text him.

Me: U r so horny!

Hey Jude: Only for u.

Closing my eyes, I cuddle into my pillow as I look at the screen, wishing it was him instead.

Me: I wish you were here, lying with me.

Hey Jude: I wish I was too, but we’d be doing more than lying.

I laugh as I roll my eyes.

Me: Agreed.

Hey Jude:

Me: I do miss you though. Like a lot.

Hey Jude: I miss you more than that and then some.

Me: I think we should have another Disney night.

Hey Jude: Okay, but I swear if you make me watch Frozen more than once, I will never watch with you again.

Me: You don’t want to build a snowman?

Hey Jude: Shut up.

I can’t type, I’m laughing so hard.

Me: #lolololololololololololololololololol

Hey Jude: #ImGoingToBlowUpURSnowman

Me: You wouldn’t dare!

Hey Jude: Probably not. But no more Frozen.

Me: Okay, promise.

Hey Jude: Thank sweet baby Jesus.

Yawning through my smile, I giggle as I look up at the wall that is fully collaged with pictures of us together. Each one so quirky and full of love. There is one where he’s biting my chin, my ear. Us making funny faces and cuddling. Us kissing and even a picture of us playing a little hockey in the front of the Bullies’ house. He won’t admit it to anyone, but I won that game. When my eyes set on the picture of us with Jayden and then one with his mom, my smile grows. When I get to the one of us with Phillip and Reese at their wedding, my eyes start to cloud with tears.

Looking back at the screen, I text.