I look up at Phillip. This time he is looking at me, his eyes stern, and his jaw taut. “I know, and I feel the same.”

“Because she cares for you and I want her to be happy, I plan to be nicer to you.”

“Good to know,” I say, liking where this is going.

“But you don’t deserve her. Not in the least.”

Nodding my head, I look down at the ground, my heart in my throat. “I couldn’t agree more, but who does, Phillip?” I ask, turning to face him. His eyes turn to slits as he glares, and he goes to say something, but I stop him and say, “No one deserves that girl because she is the most beautiful and unbelievable person I’ve ever met. She makes me want to be a better man. She has come along and completely changed the way I think, the way I want my life to be, all with one smile and one little snarky comment. So, yeah, I don’t deserve her, but you best believe that now that I have her, I won’t ever take her for granted. I’ll love her until the day I die. I know you don’t trust me, or even like me, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is who makes her happy, and I’m the man to do that.”

He’s still glaring, and I don’t understand that. I thought that speech was a good one. I meant every single word, it came from my heart, but obviously he must think it was all lies.

“You think you got it all figured out, don’t you? In only a month you think you are her forever?”

“I don’t think – I know. She is my forever and I’m hers.”

Shaking his head, he lets out a long breath. “I swear to God, you break her–”

“You’ll break me. Yeah, you’ve said that, your friends have said that, but am I running for the hills? Did I run when she told me about her past, about the men, about her shitty life before she got to you? No, I’m here. You don’t have to like me, Phillip, I get it, but you might want to accept I’m not going anywhere without her.”

Looking away, he takes in a deep breath and then looks back at me, letting it out. “I should kick your ass.”

I scoff. “Why?”

“’Cause you’re a smug bastard, and I don’t like the things you’ve said.”

“You don’t like that I’m basically latched on to that girl, and want to do everything in my power to make her happy?” I ask incredulously. “Shouldn’t you be thankful?

He steps closer to me, and I want to step back, but I know that would show weakness. So I stay where I am, meeting his angry gaze. “No, I can’t be because I know you tell her these things, these promises that have the chance to be empty. I know that she believes you and is probably planning her future around you, and when you decide that you don’t want this, you’re going to leave her in your dust. And who will be there to pick her up? Me. So no, I’m not thankful. I’m scared. She’s had it rough. I can’t handle you breaking her all over again, and you have the power to do that.”

Taking in a deep breath, I look away and gather my thoughts before glancing back at him. “I know there is no telling you that I’m not going to do that. You’ve already made up your mind about me, and all I can do is prove to you that I’m not going to hurt her. I love her, Phillip. I can’t stop that.”

“Whoa, this looks intense.”

Taking a step away from each other, we both look over to find Claire watching us. “Is everything okay?” she asks.

“Of course, just having a chat with Jude,” Phillip answers.

She looks at me and I smile. “Yup, talking about how gorgeous you are,” I say, bringing her in close and kissing the side of her mouth.

She giggles before looking up at me. “I don’t believe either of you one bit.”

“No worries, baby. Come on, let’s go dance,” I say, lacing my fingers with hers. Looking up at Phillip, I say, “Thanks for the talk. I got this.”

I can see his fists clenching, but I ignore them as Claire leans into me, her eyes locking with mine. I kiss her nose as Phillip’s words play over in my head. She’s had it rough. I can’t handle you breaking her all over again, and you have the power to do that.

I get what he’s saying, but I wish he would realize that she has the power to do the same to me.

And still I love her.

More than words can define.

Chapter 39


Sitting on my bike, I watch as everyone leaves while I wait for Claire. While I wanted to peel that dress off her, it isn’t suitable for the bike, so she’s off changing.

The rest of the wedding reception was beautiful. Love was in the air and everyone seemed to have a good time. When Reese and Phillip drove off, heading for the airport, I held Claire as she cried. I haven’t seen her cry anything but happy tears, but I sense that she felt a bit lost as she watched them drive away. They really are her rock, and I hope that one day she’ll consider me as someone she can always rely on. A part of me thinks she does, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to work hard to make her realize that I’m here for her anytime she wants.