“Like a heart attack,” I say and I am. I want a piece of her on me, and I think the idea is golden. May be a tad bit crazy like she said, but that’s how I work.

“We’ll see,” she says, a grin pulling at her lips.

“I want them above my heart,” I declare, and her cheeks warm with color.

She gives me a shocked look, her breathing hitching as she whispers, “That is incredibly romantic.”

“I try, it comes in spurts,” I say offhandedly and she laughs.

“You’re actually super-romantic. It’s nice. I’ve never felt this special in my life.”

Locking my gaze with hers, I say, “Didn’t I promise to always make you feel special?”

“You did,” she says breathlessly, her eyes swimming with love.

“And I’ll never break a promise, Claire.”

Running her fingers through the hair on my jaw, she fixes her gaze on my lips and then she closes the distance, locking her mouth against mine. Slowly I kiss her, thoroughly, and with all the love and passion in my heart. I honestly dream of kissing this girl. Every second, I imagine her lips on mine, her body pressed to mine, and when it happens, I swear it takes me a while to recuperate from her. I love the feel of her heart against my chest, her lips so soft against mine, and the dreamy look on her face when we part for a breath.

It’s all so perfect. It feels like it’s meant to be.

Cupping her neck, I press my head to hers, sharing the same breath as we continue to move slowly to the music. Looking deep into her sparkling blue eyes, I know I don’t have to tell her I love her. She has to see it, to feel it, because I know I do. Her love for me pours out of her in waves, and I can’t believe I am on the receiving end of such a beautiful love.

Our love.

We dance for a little longer before Reese is pulling her away unexpectedly. “I’m sorry, Jude. We need her for a few pictures.”

I smile. “That’s fine. I’ll go get a drink.”

“I’ll be back,” Claire promises, and then she’s off. I watch her for a moment; she laughs and jokes with the women who stand around her before they all pose for the photographer. With a grin still on my face, I head for the bar, getting myself a beer before leaning against it. I people watch as I wait for Claire to come find me.

“Enjoying yourself, Jude?”

Glancing to my left, I find Phillip standing beside me, his own beer in his hand. He’s not looking at me, and if he hadn’t have said my name, I wouldn’t have known he was talking to me.

“I am. It’s a beautiful wedding. Congratulations.”

He nods, still not looking at me. “Thank you. I’m very blessed.”

“You are,” I agree and take a pull of my beer.

“Are you old enough to drink?”

I shake my head. “Nope, but they served it, so I took it.”

He laughs. “I should probably say something.”

I shrug my shoulders, taking another pull of my beer. The liquid has taken the edge off, and I’m not tipsy by any means, but I know this is my last one. I have to drive Claire home.

“Don’t drink and drive, especially with Claire in the car.”

“Wouldn’t think of it,” I say, hoping that he knows I am genuine.

Nothing is said for a moment and it isn’t an awkward silence like I would expect with us; it’s more of

a relaxing one. Letting out a long breath, I watch as Claire talks animatedly with her aunts, and I smile when she does. She steals the show, even beside Reese, who is hands down the most gorgeous bride I’ve ever seen. Looking up, she catches me watching her, and I chuck my chin up at her. She sends me a grin before turning to look at Elli, the small smile still gracing her face.

“She really likes you.”