“Or it could be a train wreck.”

She nods slowly. “You’re right, but let’s hope she’s found her true love.”

“Why would we hope that?” I ask.

“Because we want her to be happy.”

“You’re right,” I concede, and she smiles.

“I know, now make sure to remember that ’cause I’ll be right this whole marriage.”

I scoff and shake my head before glancing back at where Claire stands wrapped up tightly in that kid’s arms. She’s looking up at him like he is her world, and the smile on her face is indescribable. She’s completely in love with him, and that scares the living shit out of me because, while I want her to be happy, I want her to be safe, and I don’t know if giving her heart to this kid is the safe route.

Can I trust him?

Chapter 37


“You ready?” I ask as Phillip paces in the room across the hall from Reese. I should be in there helping Reese get ready, but she has her mom, Harper, and Piper fussing over her. I was completely dressed in my long blue dress that hugs every curve when something inside me told me to check on Phillip. I’m glad I did. He’s sweating bullets and is white as a sheet.

“Yeah. I got this.”

“Then why do you look like you’re about to pass out?”

He cuts me a look and expels a long breath. “Because I’m nervous. What if she decides she doesn’t want to do this and runs out? She’s unpredictable! You know that.”

I smile as I lace my fingers and lean on my elbows. “You’re right, but I know she loves you and she wants this. I’m pretty sure she didn’t put us through all this wedding crap to bail on ya.”

“Yeah, true,” he says, wiping his face for the tenth time with a towel. “You look beautiful, by the way,” he says when he glances up at me. “So beautiful.”

I smile, my face cheek warming with color as I shrug. “Thanks. Wait till you see Reese. She’s stunning.”

A goofy grin comes across his face. “I can’t wait.”

I love how much he loves her. His love for Reese is soul-deep and so beautiful. I’m lucky to be on the receiving end of his love too because Phillip loves hard and with all his heart.

He lets out another breath and says, “Aren’t you supposed to be helping her get ready or something?”

“She has help. Figured I’d sit in here with you for a minute.”

“Making sure I don’t pass out?”

“Yeah, told you you’re looking a little white.”

He scoffs as he nods. “I didn’t think I’d be this nervous.”

“This is a huge deal. You finally got her to commit to only you.”

He smiles. “She’s always been mine, just hardheaded as all hell and didn’t want to admit it.”

“Very true,” I agree and he smiles.

“You’re a good kid, Claire. You know that?”

I grin as I squeeze my fingers together. “I was raised by the greatest parents in the world.”

Closing the distance between us, he hugs me tightly, squeezing me so hard that I can’t breathe. With his lips at my ear, he says, “I love you, Claire, so much, and I am so proud of you.”