“Oh, I bet that will go over great,” I say, rolling my eyes.

We all laugh but then Mrs. Sinclair says, “The main thing is Phillip might be hard to deal with now, but once he sees that you aren’t going anywhere, and that Claire trusts and loves you, then he’ll let up. It’s hard on us, but we have to trust the people we love.” She then looks at me before saying, “Without trust, there is no relationship.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” I say, my heart in my throat as I slowly nod.

I feel like a complete and utter hypocrite because I’m not being honest at all.

Lunch was awesome, even though I mostly tore myself apart and went back and forth about telling Jude about Ms. Prissy. I still don’t know what to do and sometimes I get so tired of going around in circles. I wish I could just make a decision. Just tell him or don’t and be done with it, but it isn’t that easy. I wish I didn’t care so much about the money. I wish I could trust that I can make it without it, but something inside me is programmed to make sure I have it. Make sure I’m protected.

Ugh, it’s so frustrating, and I have no clue what to do, but I do know I love Jude’s mom. She makes me feel like a part of the family, but in a way, I felt like something was wrong throughout the whole lunch. When I wasn’t looking directly at her, I swore I caught her with a sad look, but once I looked up at her, she was grinning. I don’t know what that was about, and I think even Jude caught on to it. I’m not sure when I will be able to ask him about it since, with the game and the wedding, we will both be so busy and then dog-tired afterward, but I know I need to ask. I care about his mom, and I don’t want anything to upset her. If I’m doing something wrong, then I need to know.

“I rode with my mom. Can you take me back to the house?” Jude asks me once we’re outside.

“Sure,” I say as I pause in front of Mrs. Sinclair. “Thank you for inviting me to lunch. It was awesome.”

She smiles as she wraps me up in a hug. “It really is a pleasure being around you, Claire,” she says in almost a whisper. “I am really glad that Jude has f

ound you. You make him a better person.”

I pull back, meeting her gaze, and I smile. “We’re better together.”

“I couldn’t say it better myself. He’s lucky to have you,” she says and I want to believe that, but all I see is the back of his head when I tell him about Ms. Prissy’s.

“I think I’m the lucky one,” I say, reaching out to pull him to me. He smiles as he wraps his arms around my shoulders, holding me close.

“She is,” he says with a grin, and I laugh as his mom kisses his cheek.

“You kids be good and I’ll see you two tonight,” she says with a wave as she heads to her car.

We both say bye then get in my car to head back to campus. With the windows down, the music blaring, and my hand laced with Jude’s, I feel like I’m in heaven, but still the thing with his mom is bugging me.

Turning the music down, I ask, “Is your mom okay?”

I feel his gaze on me as he asks, “Yeah, why?”

“I don’t know, she seemed sad in a way, like she was faking her good mood. Is it me? Does she not like me?”

He scoffs. “She loves you, babe, but I did notice that too. I don’t know. She told me before lunch that things with my dad are rocky.”

“Oh, that’s not good at all,” I say, turning onto the road that will lead to campus.

“Nope, but in a way, I’m relieved. I kinda hope she wants a divorce or something. He doesn’t treat her good.”

“Yeah,” I agree. “But I don’t want her to be sad.”

“Me neither, but I hope that once he’s gone, she’ll be happy.”

“Yeah,” I say as I let out a breath. “She’s such a good person.”

“The best,” he agrees as I pull up next to his bike.

I look over at him and ask, “Will your dad be there tonight?”

He sighs before running his hands through his hair, knocking his beanie off his head. “Apparently, but Mom says he called this morning saying he might be late. He’s coming in from New York. That’s the problem lately; he’s only home like once a week. It’s pissing her off, hell, it’s always pissed me off. Sometimes I think he’s fucking around on her.”

“No, surely not,” I gasp as I can’t imagine who could cheat on someone as amazing as Mrs. Sinclair.

“Yeah, I don’t know, but if he is, Claire, I swear I’ll kill him. That’s the worst thing you can do to someone you love – lie and cheat like that. Just be truthful, you know?”