this for something that isn’t going to be a big deal in a month’s time? Instead, I ask, “You’ll support me no matter what I do, right?”

His brows come together. “What do you mean?”

“Like whatever job I want.”

He smiles. “You don’t want to be a dancer anymore?”

“No, I do, but what if I can’t find a job?”

“That’s crazy. We both know you will, but yes, no matter what, I’ll support you. You wanna work at Wendy’s? I’m down, babe, as long as you are mine. I know that you’ll always support me, so you have my support.”

Letting out a long breath, I lean my head against his and whisper, “You’re right. I will.”

“Good,” he says, and then his eyes meet mine. “Why? What’s going on?”

I shake my head. “Nothing. I’m just thinking about the future.”

He smiles. “The future is me and you, babe. The world is at our fingertips.”

Or me alone.

I smile, not wanting to think that way. I lean into him, brushing my lips slowly along his before whispering, “You’re right.”

“I know, and I also know I love you, Claire.”

Closing my eyes, I say, “I love you more.”

“If you say so, baby.”

As his lips meet mine, I don’t know why his words and actions aren’t making me feel better.

Because they should, shouldn’t they?

Chapter 35


I’m running late.

So fucking late that I’m embarrassed, but surely Mrs. Sinclair and Jude will understand that Reese’s “ten minute” wedding rehearsal ran over. I swear! How hard is it? Erik and Phillip walk down, then the billions of Assassins kids go, then me, and then Reese and her dad. It isn’t that hard! Jeez! Instead, Phillip and Erik are making jokes and chasing the kids down the aisle, Reese is throwing up because she’s so damn nervous, and I’m standing there, yelling at everyone because I have a lunch date with Jude and his mom.

It was your typical Assassins wedding rehearsal.

I should have known better.

Pulling into the parking lot of Moss, a southern-cooking place, I shut the car off and pull down the visor to reapply my makeup and then do something with my mass of hair that looks stringy and icky. I had a late night, didn’t get to shower, and then having Dimitri and Journey pull and yank on my hair didn’t make it look any better. To top that all off, I drove with the windows down, so it’s safe to say my hair is a freaking mess. I really should have planned this better. I am hopeless.

I’m reapplying my lipstick when I hear, “You’re gorgeous.”

I pause mid-swipe and look over to find my boyfriend watching me. He looks delectable in a pair of fading blue jeans and a gray shirt that reads “We are all freaks.” On his head is a black beanie, and while I’m starting to develop an unhealthy obsession with beanies, I can’t help but be completely turned on by the scruff on his face. My man grows the best beard.

Smiling, my shoulders fall and I say, “I’m a mess, I’m late, and I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be. My mom likes you a lot and understands. Come on, let’s not keep her waiting,” he says and opens my car door. I look in the mirror, finishing another swipe before tucking the lipstick in my purse and taking his hand to get out. Pulling me to his chest, he presses his lips to mine, and I smile against his lips as we kiss. I’ve missed him. I didn’t even get to see him yesterday; he had practice twice and I had work, dance team, and then the club at night. We’re both so busy, but being pressed against his body like this, his lips on mine, makes the time apart bearable.

Lacing his fingers with mine, he pulls away and kisses my nose. “Come on.”

I agree and we head inside as he wipes his mouth free of my lipstick. I see Mrs. Sinclair sitting in a booth, and a grin spreads across my face as she stands to hug me tightly. I don’t know what it is about this woman, but I’ve liked her from the moment I met her. It’s probably because Jude is so much like her.