I laugh as I nod. “I will.”

Letting out a long breath, she throws open the door and the first thing I see is a very big Phillip Anderson. He’s huge on the ice but in person he’s bigger, and with one look at him, I know I need to hit the gym some more or I’m going to get killed in the NHL. His blazing blue gaze locks on me and his brows meet as he glares.

“Hey, Jude,” Reese says, and I feel horrible that I didn’t see her standing beside Phillip. He takes up the whole room, though.

“Hey, Reese, these are for you,” I say, handing her the flowers. “Thank you for having me.”

“Oh, thank you, these are gorgeous,” she says happily and I smile.

“Phillip–” Claire starts to say, but he interrupts her.

“What the hell are you wearing?”

She looks down at her jacket and then back up at him “My riding jacket.”

His eyes cut back to me and he says, “So you ride a motorcycle?”

I smile. “I do, a sweet Star Bolt. Wanna go check it out?” I say, my voice cracking a bit.

Somehow he glares more and says, “No.” He then looks at Claire. “I don’t like him. At all.”

With that, he turns, and Reese says, “He doesn’t mean that.”


bsp; Claire throws her hands up and chases after him as she yells, “But you haven’t even given him a chance!”

Well, this is going to be fun.

Chapter 34


Phillip is being positively impossible!

“Phillip! I’m talking to you! Hello?!” I yell as I chase him through the halls of the home in which I spent my teenage years. I loved this house when it was just Phillip and me even though it was more a bachelor pad than a home, but I didn’t care. I mean, I lived in a car for over a year; his house was beautiful to me, but once Reese moved in, it was like a home makeover show. She went to work, hiring people to make Phillip’s house a home for our little family, and nothing has changed since I left.

As we make our way through the gourmet kitchen that Reese said we needed, I know he’s heading to his man cave where he will sit and wallow in the news that I am dating. He’s being so childish! He knows I date, he knows I have sex, I’m nineteen damn years old!

“Phillip, Phillip!” I yell just as he reaches the door. I rush to him, standing in his way, and he glares down at me.


“No! We’re talking about this! You didn’t even give him a chance! He is great! Superawesome!” I plead, but Phillip doesn’t look like he gives a shit at all.

“I don’t care.”

Just as I thought.

“Please,” I say as he tries to reach for the door handle.

“No,” he says firmly, getting his hand on the handle even though I’m pushing my hip into it.

“Phillip! That was just rude!” Reese yells, and he looks back at her.

“Stay out of this,” he says just as I trap his hand between my hip and the wall, causing him to yell out.

“Damn it, Claire! That hurt!”