“I know you didn’t sleep with her, so she wasn’t technically yours. And also, if you don’t, I’ll make your life hell.”

I add in a smile to make sure he knows I mean business, and it must have worked because he runs his hands through his shaggy blond hair before looking over at me.

“She’s nineteen, hot as fuck, as you can tell. She kisses good but won’t put out. She doesn’t talk much about her family or anything. She really didn’t talk about anything, and that’s why I planned on breaking it off with her. I know she dances and enjoys it a lot. Teaches over at Reese Allen’s Dance Academy. She’s kind of boring, actually.”

“Or maybe she was too good for your piece-of-shit ass,” I say, giving him a dirty look. I don’t like that he calls her boring. Claire is nowhere near boring; she’s fucking interesting. “Where does she live?”

“Fisher Hall. She rooms with Skylar Preston.”

I know Skylar; we have the same English class. She wanted to have sex with me, but I’m pretty sure that girl could kill me with her thighs. Since I like my girls a little squishy, Skylar is out of the question. She may be freaking gorgeous, but I want to have sex with a girl, not Zangief from Wreck-It Ralph.

“Okay, she’s going for business?”

He nods. “She wants to open her own dance company.”

“Do you know her schedule?”

He shakes his head. “Only that she has geometry and English in the morning on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. We always met for lunch at the pit since it was right beside the core class building.”

I process all the info before standing up to head out. “Cool, thanks.”

Before I can reach the door though, he says, “I’m telling you, dude, it’s a waste of time. That girl has her shit locked up like a nun. She isn’t going to just sleep with you.”

I look back at him and shrug. “Who said anything about sleeping with her?”

Before he can say anything, because I know exactly what he’s going to say, I open the door and shut it before heading down the three flights of stairs to my room. I know I shouldn’t be surprised that Allen said that. I mean, I’m not shy with the ladies, and I make sure to please each one who wants my attention, but still, maybe I want something more. Okay, maybe I’m a complete liar. I haven’t wanted someone as bad as I want Claire in a long time, and I can’t wait to get in her pants, but a part of me wants to get to know her too. She interests me, and maybe she’ll be the kind of girl to calm me down. Teach me a lesson about being with a woman. Make me a one-woman man.

Hey, miracles can happen.

When I open the door, Jayden is at his desk, his nose in his book. He looks up and nods before going back to reading. Like me, he has dark hair and light green eyes. We’re both built the same way, strong and lean, but Jayden might be a tad bit bigger than me. Being a defenseman, it’s expected for those hard hits. I’m a center, so I’m leaner for speed.

Ripping off my pullover, I throw it on the bed before throwing my wallet and keys on our bureau where pictures of our family sit. In the middle, surrounded by pictures of Angie, is a picture of me, Jayden, and Jace at the ages of six, seven, and eight. We’re all wide-eyed and excited in our green jerseys for the rec league we played in. We always spoke of how we would all be in the NHL, on the same team, and how everyone would be scared of us because we were the best. I still believe that will happen, and I honestly can’t wait. That’s when life is going to be awesome.

I head to my own desk that holds my books and start my homework. I hate it, but it has to be done to keep my scholarship. We don’t say anything as we both work, but when I’m done, I lean back in my seat and run my hands down my face. I want to call my mom and check in on her. My dad has been gone for almost a month, working on a big case in New York with one of his NHL clients who’s divorcing his wife, and I know that Mom gets lonely. I know that Lucy, Jace, and Angie are there, but sometimes they make it worse. With Angie being so young, only a year, she gets into everything and Mom tries to take on so much. I made a promise a long time ago that when I got my first big check from the NHL, I was going to buy her a week at some ritzy spa. Somewhere she doesn’t have to do anything but be pampered. I wish my dad would do that for her, but he’s selfish. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a decent man, very well-respected, but that doesn’t mean he’s a good husband or father.

“Mom call you?”

I glance back to find Jayden in his bed, lying on his back. I nod before saying, “Yeah, dinner tomorrow?”

“Yeah, Dad is coming in, apparently.”

“That’s what I heard. How long you think he’ll stay?”

“Maybe a day or two. He said something about coming to our opener, though.”

I nod. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Jayden laughs. “Agreed.

My dad is somewhat of a workaholic, but like my mom says, he does everything to make sure she doesn’t have to work and everyone’s college is paid for. Not mine, though; I don’t want to owe him anything. I want to know I did this myself if this is what I’m supposed to do. If I’m not supposed to play in the NHL, that’s fine, I’ll deal with that when it comes, but at least I’ll know I did it myself. I’m not sure what my issue is with my dad, or if there is an issue, but I just can’t have him pay for me. I have to make my own way.

“Talked to Jace today, too. He said that they are saying now that he might need to do a year in college, just to see how he’ll adjust before they throw him in the NHL.”

“Really? How’s he taking it?”

“Pissed, of course. He doesn’t want to go to school – he wants to play.”

“Don’t we all?”