“My God, you are so hot,” I basically moan.

“Right back atcha,” she gasps before taking my dick and moving it up and down her pussy, her wetness covering my dick. Breathlessly, I grip her hips as she moves the tip of my dick against her clit. Her breathing is erratic and her eyes are glazed with lus

t as she pleases herself with my dick. I want to do it for her, but I am enjoying the view of this a little more. There is something about this girl pleasing herself that gets me off. As her legs shake with her orgasm, I hold on to her, not allowing her to fall as she yells my name, her hand squeezing my dick as she comes.

I want to be inside her.

Deep inside her, like, right now.

Taking her by the back of her knee, I part her legs and then thrust up inside her tight pussy in one swift movement. Groaning, I grasp her knee as she squeezes me tighter than a vise grip. It feels so damn good; she’s so tight, so fucking hot, ah, fuck. My hand grips the ladder as I pound up into her, losing my mind with lust and all things hot. When her hands cup my face, I look up from where I am watching myself disappear in her to meet her blazing blue eyes. She takes my lips with hers in a harsh assault, blowing my mind and making everything inside me blow the hell up. When I thrust up into her hard, she cries out, her nails digging into my shoulders, and I do it again and again until my legs are shaking and I can’t hold back anymore. Letting out a yell of my own against her swollen lips, I fill her up as my legs buckle underneath me, shattering my world.

Gasping for breath, I slowly kiss her neck, her jaw, before meeting my lips to hers. She lets out a little sigh before kissing my bottom lip, then top, running her tongue lazily behind each kiss as my eyes slowly drift shut. I feel so unbelievable and spent. Opening my eyes, I meet her loving gaze and a lazy smile curves my lips.

“I’ve never had ladder sex,” she says, the red blush creeping up her neck to her cheeks.

“First time for everything,” I say, letting out a long breath.

“Yeah, and with us, there are a lot of them.”

I nod, squeezing her ass as I nip at her bottom lip. “And to think, we have the rest of our lives for more of them.”

With a shy grin on her face, she says, “Exciting thought, huh?”

“Sure is,” I admit. “Now let’s get cleaned up.”

After cleaning up, we find ourselves in bed, her body lying across my chest lazily, her fingers dancing along my chest. The sounds of the party are still in full swing and I hear people running down the hall, but here in my love nest, I don’t hear anything but Claire’s breathing and her soft words. Moving my fingers in her hair, I smile as she glances up at me, her face warm with color.

“Tell me something,” she says, and I clear my throat.


“Why do you think you feel jealous?”

I shrug. “I don’t know… Why does anyone feel jealous?”

She eyes me. “I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t get it. You are a superconfident man. You have to know I’m not going anywhere, that I know where I’m at is good.”

A grin curves my face as I meet her gaze. “I think I do know that. I think it’s deeper than that.”

Her brow comes up. “What does that mean?”

She sits up and I do the same, stretching my arms above my head before looking back at her. “It’s just that I’ve watched my mom for years basically have the phone glued to her hand twenty-four seven and hang on every word my dad says. She does everything for him and waits on him hand and foot. She loves him, like a lot, and sometimes when I look at you, I see myself being like that. I love you so much, so hard, and it has been so fast that I feel it everywhere. And it scares me that you could just leave me or find someone better or something.”

“I don’t want anyone else,” she promises and I nod. “Have I made you feel like I do?”

I shake my head. “No, not at all, it’s just that sometimes I think my mom is living in a loveless marriage. I’m not saying he’s cheating on her, or he’s going to leave her, but who knows? With us, I know I love you and I know you love me, so just the thought of something happening to where you leave me or I leave you has me in knots. When people look at you or try to holler at you, jealousy overcomes me. I don’t want the temptation or anything. I just want us.”

Her eyes are locked with mine as she breathes softly. Reaching out, she takes my hands and says, “Okay, this relationship can’t soar if there is no trust. You have to trust me like I trust you. I don’t think you’re gonna run off on me with someone. I trust you. Give me that trust and let that jealousy go. No one is going to come between us.”

Lacing my fingers with hers, I bring her knuckles to my lips and kiss each one. “I do trust you, Claire. I’m just so in love with you that the thought of losing you seriously fucks with me.”

Her thumbs move along the back of my hands and her eyes never leave mine as she processes what I’m saying. I know that I can be completely and utterly honest with her. She wants that, and I like that we’re talking about this. It will help, but something in her eyes says I’m not going to like what she’s about to say.

“I love you, Jude, but maybe we need to take a step back, y’know?”

My brows come together as her thumbs still against my hands. “How does that make sense?”

“It doesn’t, really! I’m just scared. I sorta feel like you’re obsessed with me!”