Page 58 of The Assistant

Chapter Thirty-Seven


“Anyone need a refill,” Charlotte heard Jesse say from the living room where she was having wine with some friends.

Charlotte was in the kitchen, making several sandwiches. This was the first time she’d left the office all day, only having time to inhale a few granola bars that she’d kept at her desk. Work was just too busy to take a break.

Construction had started on 3 Stuart Street and if she thought she had a lot to do before they broke ground, it didn’t even compare to the workload she had now.

Charlotte looked up just as Jesse walked in.

“Hi,” Jesse said. “I didn’t even hear you come down.”

Charlotte smiled and finished spreading the apricot jam over the slices of ham. “I tried to be quiet, I didn’t want to interrupt you and your friends.”

Jesse returned the smile and moved over to the island. “Looks delicious.”

“Do you want one? I can grab two more pieces of bread, it won’t be a problem.”

“That’s kind of you to offer, but I’ve been snacking in there.” She used her head to point to the living room. “Thank you for making one for Emery and the kids.”

Luz had only been able to work a few hours, getting things ready for Jesse’s girls’ night, but she wasn’t able to make dinner. When Charlotte had arrived this morning, Jesse had come into the office and asked if she wouldn’t mind filling in. Because Charlotte been so engrossed all day, she didn’t have time to make anything more than sandwiches.

“Happy to do it,” Charlotte said, layering in some pickled onion before she put on the top slice.

While Jesse went to the other side of the kitchen, Charlotte wrapped up the sandwiches for Tommy and Viv and put those in the fridge for them to eat when they returned home.

She was just adding some potato salad to both plates when she heard Jesse shout, “Damnit!”

Charlotte turned just in time to see the bottle of wine that she had been trying to open go flying around the corner of the counter and crash on the floor.

“Shit!” Jesse snapped when the glass shattered, and dark red liquor splashed everywhere.

“Let me help.” Charlotte rushed over, immediately bending to the floor. “I’ll get the glass, I don’t want you to cut yourself.” She began to pick up the bigger pieces.

“I’ll … get the paper towels,” Jesse replied.

While Charlotte filled her palm with glass, Jesse slowly wiped the cabinets where it had splattered and the large puddles on the floor. Once the larger pieces were picked up, Charlotte swept the rest into a dustpan and said, “Looks like it’s all clean,” after doing a quick scan to make sure she got it all.

“Thank you.” Jesse stood next to her. “I really appreciate your help.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

Charlotte went back to the counter, putting the rest of the potato salad on the plates. As she turned around, she saw Jesse with the wine opener back in her hand and it looked like she was having a hard time getting the cork out.

“You know when I was in college, I won a contest for being the fastest corker in my sorority,” Charlotte said. “Allow me?”

Jesse chuckled. “Oh, I have to see this.”

Charlotte stepped in, twisting the metal deeper into the cork before she began the process of pulling it out.

“Join us,” Jesse said, catching Charlotte off guard. “Just for one drink. As a way to thank you for all your help tonight.” When Charlotte didn’t say anything, Jesse went on, “You and Emery have been working so hard and I’m sure you have a long night ahead of you. Unplugging for a few minutes might help.” When Charlotte still didn’t answer, Jesse took her phone out of her back pocket, hit the screen, and held it up to her ear. “Baby, I’m stealing Charlotte for a second to have a drink with the girls. She’ll bring your dinner up in fifteen. Love you.” Jesse hung up, not giving Emery a chance to respond, and then she stuck both plates in the fridge. She turned toward Charlotte when she said, “Come on.”

Charlotte was relieved she didn’t have to say anything or give Jesse an answer or discuss this with Emery. Even though one of her responsibilities was to make sure his wife and the kids were taken care of, Charlotte didn’t think this was what Emery had in mind when he’d assigned her that task.

“A super quick drink,” Charlotte agreed to while Jesse put the bottle of wine under her arm and she followed Jesse into the living room.

“Ladies,” Jesse said as she stood in front of the couch, “meet Charlotte. Charlotte, that’s Alicia, Karen, Jamie, and Belle.” Each of the women smiled after their name was said.

“Hi, everyone.” Charlotte waved as she looked at their faces, appreciating the generous welcome.

“Emery has kept Charlotte trapped in the office all day and I say she needs a little wine and girl time before she goes back to work.”

“We’re happy to have you join our party,” Alicia said.

“Let’s get you a glass,” Belle stated, grabbing one from the table Luz had set up that held the trays of appetizers. Belle then took the bottle from Jesse and poured Charlotte a glass.

Charlotte took it into her hand and held it into the air, “Cheers, girls.” The heavy cabernet warmed her throat as she swallowed.

“The cranberry bread you’ve been snacking on tonight was made by Charlotte,” Jesse told the group.

“You have to give me the recipe,” Karen said to Charlotte. “Cranberry is my husband’s favorite. He will die if he tries this bread.”

“I’m happy to pass it along,” Charlotte replied, taking the end seat on the couch next to Jesse. “It’s also really good if you add in a touch of almond. I can give you that recipe, too, if you’d like.”

“I would love that,” Karen responded.

“How are things going in Boston?” Alicia asked.

Charlotte took another small sip. “The building is going to be spectacular. We’re just anxious to see it all come together.”

“Dennis and I are interested in one of the condos,” Alicia said.

“In Emery’s building?” Jesse inquired, her face beaming.

“For the last year, we’ve been going back and forth about having a weekend home,” Alicia explained to all the women. “We love the city and we think it would be such an honor to live in a home our best friend designed.”

“Oh Alicia,” Jesse said, her hand going to her heart. “Emery is going to be over the moon when he hears this.”

“That’s if we can even get a unit,” Alicia said. “According to the news, it’s forecasted to be the fastest selling building in Boston’s history.”

“I’ll do everything I can to help,” Charlotte said to Alicia, feeling all the other women staring at her. “I work closely with the sales office, which will be launching in a few months. When you’re ready, I can give them your information, so you’re contacted when the units are released.”

Alicia smiled at her and said, “You’re a doll.”

Charlotte gave her a grin in return and the topic shift to a television show. Charlotte didn’t want to rush out, but she was starving and she was sure Emery was too and both sandwiches were hardening in the fridge.

“Help yourself to a refill,” Jesse said, looking at Charlotte’s almost empty glass.

“Thank you,” Charlotte replied. “But I think I’ve reached my fill.”

“I get it. When work calls, it’s the only thing on your mind.”

Charlotte nodded and stood from the couch. “Thanks for the drink, ladies.” She waved to each of them.

“Thanks for joining us,” one of them said as Charlotte made her way back to the kitchen.

While she was grabbing the sandwiches out of the fridge, she could still hear the ladies chatting. And even though she tried not to listen, she couldn’t help once her name was said.

“Charlotte’s gorgeous,” one of them said.

“And so helpful.”

“With quite the body on her.”

“Listen, if my husband brought home an assistant who looked like Charlotte, I’d be hiring myself a personal trainer, getting the fillers I’ve been putting off, and talking to my gyno about some type of rejuvenation.”

Charlotte heard a few of the women laugh and was holding her breath as she waited for Jesse to respond.

“Don’t be silly,” Jesse finally said. “Charlotte is the best thing that’s ever happened to Emery’s business. She’s lovely as you all just witnessed …” Charlotte stood with her back to the wall, both plates in her hands, anxious about what was going to be said next. “And, honey, I already get the fillers.”

Charlotte felt herself relax and she walked upstairs with a smile on her face.