Page 41 of The Assistant

I grinned back at them. “I picked up dessert, too. I got everything to make sundaes.”

“What’s everything?” Viv asked.

I cut one of the shells into thirds and popped the first section into my mouth. “Oreo ice cream, hot fudge, whip cream, and sprinkles.”

“Wow,” Tommy said, his expression causing me to laugh.

It was so easy to make them happy.

“Snow dipping, shower, ice cream, bed,” I informed them. “And maybe, just maybe, I’ll make homemade French toast for breakfast before school tomorrow.”

“Yesss!” Tommy shouted and he began to dance.

Viv joined in and I did, too, and the three started to laugh and we couldn’t stop. My cheeks hurt and my stomach ached. But I loved every second of it.

Because I was lost.


But this time, it was with my kids.