Tyler was glad that he didn’t have an assignment for a few days, it would give him some time with Tammy.

Chapter Four

The next day Tyler woke early and quickly cleaned his spare room. He had been using it for storage, and most of the things could be moved to the garage. When he had the room clean, it was late enough that he could run to the store to get Tammy some shoes and then head to the hospital. He didn’t know when she would be released and did not want her to have to wait on him. He could sit with her until she was ready to go.

When he got to the hospital he found Tammy dressed and pacing. Giving her the shoes, and a quick hug, he asked her, “What’s wrong, honey? You look upset.”

Smiling and hugging him tightly, she answered, “I’m just anxious to get out of here.”

And a little afraid you wouldn’t come back, she thought.

“How soon can you go, have they told you yet?” he asked, wishing he had come earlier.

“I think as soon as they give me my instructions for my back and pain meds,” she answered, grimacing. She hated taking the meds, but sometimes her back hurt so badly she had to.

“I’ll go round up a nurse while you put the shoes on and be back in a few,” he said as he strolled out of the room.

Finding a nurse and getting the information they needed, Ty checked Tammy out and took her home. By the time they got there, she was tired from all the excitement, but happy to be out of the hospital.

“Do you want to lie down for a while?” he asked, not sure what to do next.

“I don’t think I could rest, but can we do something?”

Oh, baby, he thought, there are so many things I could do with you. Looking at her, he took a calming breath and asked, “What do you feel like doing?”

“I don’t know, I’m keyed up, maybe go for a walk?” She wanted to look around and check out the area. If the men her father had given her to found her, she wanted to know where she could run.

“Sure, if you feel you’re up to it, we’ll talk a short walk around the neighborhood.” Taking a walk was a good idea, it would get them out of the house and maybe he could concentrate on something other than how to get her into his bed. He really needed to get his cock under control.

Taking her hand, Tyler led her out the door. They walked a short distance to a nearby park where they could sit and enjoy the day and watch some children and dogs playing.

The weather was a little brisk. It was fall and the seasons were changing, and Tyler hadn’t brought a jacket for either of them. Seeing Tammy shiver, he pulled her closer and wrapped an arm around her. “Do you want to go back?”

“No, can we sit a few more minutes? I like being outside and watching the kids.” She had never had time to just sit and relax. She had always had to work or help. It was nice to not have to be anywhere or do anything.

All that would change as soon as her back healed. She couldn’t depend on Tyler for long and needed to figure out a way to find a job and pay her way.

Sighing, she looked at Tyler out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t want him to know she was watching. He was strong and handsome, taller than her and built. She didn’t know much about him, but his eyes mesmerized her, she could get lost in them.

“Can I ask you some questions?” she wondered tentatively.

“Sure, honey, what do you want to know?” He pulled her closer, wanting her on his lap, but not sure she would be comfortable with that.

“Tell me more about your family?” she asked, wondering if he had had a normal childhood and what made him tick.

“Not much to tell. I’m an only child. Both my mom and dad were only children, so I don’t have much family. My parents are still alive, but live in California so I don’t see them often. I try to go out there once a year, but don’t always make it. As I told you last night, I was in the service and I have several good friends here now.” He thought about telling her about The Mix, but wasn’t sure she was ready for that.

. As part owner of the club, he often bartended when he wasn’t working and spent a lot of time there. Hopefully he could take her there, but didn’t feel this was the time to tell her about it.

He saw her shiver again and stood, pulling her with him. “We should have brought jackets. Come on. Let’s head home, you’re cold. We’ll come back another time when it’s warmer or when we have jackets.’

“Okay,” Tammy agreed. She was cold and just the short walk had made her tired.

They walked back to the condo and Tyler sat her on the couch while he fixed some lunch.

After she ate and took some pain meds, she went to lay down, exhausted.

When Tammy woke, she was stiff and wanted a shower. The sponge baths in the hospital hadn’t cut it and her hair was driving her crazy, even though they had washed it in the hospital.