“How can this be a reward? A whip has to hurt.” Tammy was so confused, but the woman bound to the cross wasn’t flinching away from the sounds the whip was making like she was and she could see the woman writhing and hear her moaning sounds. It didn’t sound like she was feeling pain—the exact opposite actually. She sounded like it was something she wanted, badly.

Tyler held Tammy and nuzzled her neck, trying to get her to relax. He knew this scene would be difficult for her, but wanted her to see that it was not all about pain. Marc was a master with the whip and he knew the example provided could do a lot to change Tammy’s perceptions of pain play.

“Do you use a whip?” she asked, still flinching with every crack heard.

“Yes, I have in the past. It is something we will talk about, but we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do and we will not be playing with one tonight,” he said, trying to reassure her. He slipped his hand down between her legs. She was bone dry…not good. He was going to have to be very careful.

Tammy couldn’t take her eyes off the scene before her. Toby had stopped flogging Carrie and was standing in front of her, talking to her. Tammy couldn’t hear what he was saying, but she could see Carrie nodding and Toby smile back.

“He’s probably asking how she is doing and how she feels. He wants to make sure that she is okay to continue and doesn’t need any water or to adjust anything before Marc starts using the whip. She will go into subspace quickly when he uses the whip and may not be able to ask for anything. Marc and Toby know her well enough to know what her limits are. If they were with a new sub they would not push her as hard, but they have been with Carrie for a long time and are very in tune with her.”

Toby had finished talking and had started flogging Carrie again, this time with more intensity and concentrating mainly on her ass.

“Marc is going to start on her very soon. Toby wants to make sure she is where they want her to be. As soon as Marc is ready, Toby will stand in front of her to observe her responses.”

Tammy wanted to look away but couldn’t. How could anyone stand something like that? How could you do that to someone you loved? How could you let someone do that to you?

Marc moved in front of Carrie and started to talk to her. Again, Tammy couldn’t hear, but could see Carrie nodding.

“He’s just checking with her. Even though Toby just talked with her, Marc needs to be sure she is in the right head space. He does not want to hurt her.”

Marc moved behind Carrie and Toby stood in front of her so she was sandwiched between both men. Marc reached around and pinched both of Carrie’s nipples, pulling and twisting them. Whispering something in her ear, he stepped back and took position.

Toby placed both hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes, focusing her on him.

When the first lash hit Carrie’s back, Tammy gave a little scream and wrenched out of Tyler’s lap.

“No!” she screamed and started for the stage.

Tyler grabbed her and held her tight.

Marc and Toby stopped the scene. Marc jumped off the stage while Toby tended to Carrie.

“What the fuck, man?” Marc said to Tyler, hands on his hips.

“Sorry, man, she’s new and I should not have let her watch. Is your girl okay?” Tyler was apologetic. He had a firm hold on Tammy who had stopped struggling and was now hanging her head in shame.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, shuffling her feet uncomfortably.

Tyler pulled her closer and after apologizing again to Marc, Toby, and Carrie, led her off to a private room.

Grabbing the first key he saw, he led her to the school room. Perfect. Just the right place for a little discipline. Time to school his girl, he thought laughing to himself at his own joke.

Tammy was mortified. Tyler had told her how important it was not to disturb the scene and she had totally fucked up, not only embarrassing herself, but Tyler, too. What was going to happen now? Marc had really been pissed when he came to talk to Tyler, and Tyler had told him he would “take care of it”. What did that mean? Was he going to whip her now?

Her back had just healed and she didn’t think she could go through that again. Leave, she had to leave, her panicked brain told her. Twisting and turning, she tried to free herself from Tyler. When he stopped to grab a key, she took off running. She had to get away.

“What the fuck?” Tyler said out loud, taking off behind her.

Chapter Fourteen

Tammy was frantic, she didn’t remember how they had come in and didn’t know where the door was. All she could do was run.

Luckily, it was quiet and the club was almost empty, so Tammy wasn’t bothering anyone, but he had to catch her. Damn, the girl could run fast.

Finally catching up to her, Tyler grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. The few people in the club clapped and he stormed off to the school room.

Tammy was kicking and hitting his back with her fists, demanding to be let down.