Tyler was getting ready to kiss her again when he heard a knock at the door. “Food’s here,” he announced and went to get it.

Tammy had been so upset she hadn’t paid any attention to where he had taken her. As they sat to eat she asked him, “Tyler, not that it matters, but where are we?”

“Honey, this is the club that Derek and I own with a couple other guys we know. It’s called The Mix and it’s a BDSM club.’

“Is this the club Dottie was taking about? You own it?” She was really curious.

“Yes, after we eat, we will change and I’ll show you around. Derek and I and a couple other guys went in on it a few years back. When you and Dottie talked, was there anything you really wanted to see?” He was glad to see she was excited to look around and the night should be quiet enough not to scare her.

Tyler was excited to show her his club, he had bought her a couple club outfits when he got all the other clothes and was excited to see them on her. He could tell it was going to be a good evening.

After they finished eating, Tyler showed her what he had gotten her to wear. It was a midi tank top in a deep dark blue and a mini skirt to match. He also had a pair of “fuck me” heels, but she wouldn’t be wearing them tonight, since they were for his personal enjoyment.

“Put these on baby, and we’ll go look around.”

Tammy took the clothes he gave her and went to the bedroom to change. Luckily she had worn a thong that day so she could wear it under the skirt, but there was no way she could wear the bra she had on with the top, she needed something strapless. Well, she would just have to go without. Good thing she was small, but the top was so sheer, she was sure everyone would be able to see her all. Well, it was a nightclub, maybe it’d be dark. That was all she could hope.

When she walked out to the living room barefoot, Tyler did a wolf whistle and motioned with his finger for her to turn around.

Tammy giggled and twirled, laughing all the time. When she finished her twirl, she curtsied, and Tyler held out one hand to her. Placing her finger tips on his, he grasped her hand and pulled her to him.

“You look good enough to eat,” he said, growling in her ear.

He had changed into black leather pants that looked like they had been molded to fit him and was wearing a black satin shirt which he had tucked in but left most of the buttons open, showing his sculptured chest.

“So do you,” she whispered, laying a hand on his exposed skin, and looking up into his eyes.

Stepping back and grabbing her hand, he led her to the door. “If we don’t go, I’ll just strip you here and spend the night fucking you.” He told her as he pulled her along.

“Wait, wait.”

“What baby?”

“I don’t have any shoes and no bra. I need a jacket or something.”

Tyler stopped just short of the door with a sigh. “You’re fine just the way you are. Subs don’t have to wear shoes in the club and if you ask me, you’re wearing too many clothes now, so you don’t need anything else.”

Deciding he needed to explain a few things to her, he led her back to one of the big chairs and sat her in his lap.

“Baby, when we go into the club you may see some things that surprise or shock you. I want you to ask me any questions you have and not talk to anyone else. Some of the Doms you will meet have specific requirements of subs and if you don’t behave in a certain way they will expect you to be punished, and as one of the owners, I have to live up to those expectations. Do not assume anything about any of the scenes you will see. Everything that happens in here is consensual, meaning that both parties have agreed to it beforehand. All the subs have a safe word, just like you and Dottie discussed. There are dungeon monitors, people who watch to make sure no one is here against their will and everything stays within the club limits,.” Tyler explained

“Before we go into the club itself, we will stop by my office and I will give you a contract to fill out. After you read it, we will talk about any questions you have and then we’ll go look around.” He was running his hand up and down her thigh as they talked and had slipped his fingers between them.

“What are you wearing?” he asked, his voice demanding.

“Just what you gave me, the skirt and top,” She answered innocently.

“Under the skirt?” he said.

“My panties?” What else could he be talking about?

“Why are you wearing panties?”

Huh? What? What kind of question was that? Everyone wore panties. What did he expect her to wear? Surely he didn’t expect her to go without? She didn’t answer him, not really knowing what to say.

“I asked you a question.” Tyler’s voice was getting forceful and it sent a shiver down Tammy’s spine.

“I…well…I just left the underwear I had on and the skirt is so short, and you didn’t tell me not to,” She finally got out.