“Good answer, sweetheart, you’ll get a reward for that later,” Derek said to his wife, leaning over her to give her a deep kiss.

Tyler walked over to Tammy and kissed her. “Did you two have a good talk?” he asked.

“Yes, we did, and I learned a lot,” Tammy said, grateful that Dottie was so open. “Dottie’s great. I loved talking to her.”

“Good, we’ll talk more in the truck on the way home,” Tyler told her and they all sat to eat.

After they ate, the guys cleaned the kitchen while Tammy and Dottie went to the living room to continue their conversation.

Tammy could tell that Dottie was tired and didn’t ask any more questions. When the guys came out she looked at Tyler and said, “I’m kind of tired, can we go? I hate to be rude, but I don’t want to fall asleep on the couch.” Which was exactly what Dottie was doing.

Looking at her with gratitude in his eyes, Derek answered, “Thank you, it looks like my little Momma here is tired, too. I hope you both come back soon.”

Dottie stirred when she heard Derek’s voice. “Huh, what?”

Tyler leaned down and kissed her forehead. “We’re leaving, honey, you and Tammy need naps.”

Tammy leaned down and hugged Dottie. Then they both left. Tammy hadn’t been lying, she was tired and settling in the middle of the truck seat, she snuggled into Tyler.

“Tired, honey? Was it too much?” Tyler asked, worried about her. It hadn’t been that long since her ordeal.

“A little, but a good tired,” Tammy answered, yawning.

Tyler wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer, then tuned the radio to soft music. He let her sleep while they drove home. They could talk later.

Chapter Nine

When they got to the condo, Tyler carried Tammy into the house and settled her in his bed. She could store her things in the other bedroom, but that was all she’d use it for.

He still had to tell her more about the interview tomorrow and prepare her. And he needed to upgrade his security system. Something he knew needed done, but hadn’t had a reason to. He wanted a couple panic buttons for Tammy, just in case. He hoped she’d never need them, but wanted to make sure they were available. They would notify the local police and members of his team if anything happened.

He sat down with his laptop to order what he needed and thought about the day and the discussion she had had with Dottie. What the girls didn’t know was that Derek had the house wired and they had heard every word. Dottie had done a great job of explaining everything to Tammy, and Tyler could tell she was curious. Was she curious enough to explore with him? How far could he push her? He liked the darker side of BDSM, but that wasn’t for everybody and once he got in full Dom mode, he was very strict. How would Tammy respond to all of that? He and Derek had talked, and Derek had advised him to go slow, but Tyler wasn’t sure he could go slow enough. He definitely didn’t want to scare her. Derek had told him to go with his gut. That was never a good thing for Tyler. Going with his “gut” had gotten him in trouble before.

He ordered everything he needed for the security system, then went to lay down with his girl. Doms needed to cuddle, too.

Grabbing a couple scarves from the drawer, he removed his clothes and grabbed a couple condoms. Then he crawled in beside Tammy and started undressing her. When he had put her in bed, he had left her clothes on her, but she wouldn’t need them now. He was going to introduce her to a little light bondage. Time to start training his girl.

When Tammy woke up, Tyler was kneeling between her wide spread legs and leaning over her. He had a wicked grin on his face.

“Hi, baby, sleep well?”

Tammy went to reach for him and found she could only move her arms a small amount. Trying her legs they wouldn’t move either. “What the fuck?’

“I thought we’d try a little bondage play baby. They aren’t too tight are they?” Tyler knew they weren’t, but wanted her to know she had some say.

“No, it’s not tight, I’m just surprised. I guess this answers the question on whether you are a Dom or not.”

“I guess so,” he answered, leaning down and licking one of her nipples. “Now no more talking unless I ask you a question, or I’ll have to punish you.” He told her in a deep, dark voice she had never heard before.

He crouched up on all fours, bracing his hands on either side of her and took her mouth in a scorching kiss. “We’re going to have so much fun, baby.” He breathed against her lips. He was in full-out Dom mode, and Tammy had no idea what she was in for. He had put his toy bag beside the bed before he got in and he was going to introduce her to all kinds of kink.

Reaching in his bag, he pulled out a pair of nipple clamps. He was going to see how she responded to them. Kissing his way down to her chest, he slowly circled each little nipple with his tongue, licking and nipping at the areola, but not touching the nipples yet.

Tammy was starting to arch her body on the bed and he could see her hands opening and closing, like she was trying to catch something, and he bet he knew what she was trying to grab.

Finally taking a nipple in his mouth, he swirled his tongue over and over it until it was taut and Tammy was moaning. Grabbing one clamp, he applied it, tightening it to the point where he saw

her grimace.