Grabbing a condom from the side of the bed, he put it on. He lifted her enough to fit them together and thrust inside her.

Holding her by the hips, he lifted her up and down, faster and faster, bringing them both to the completion they had been longing for.

Tammy fell forward, her head on Tyler’s shoulder. She couldn’t believe how her body had responded.

“Tyler, that was incredible. I didn’t know it could be like that. Will it always be that way? Can we do that again?” she asked. Then she leaned down and took one of his tight little nipples in her mouth.

Tyler threaded his hands through the hair at the back of her head and pulled her slightly away from him to look into her eyes.

“Baby, it will just get better and better. There is so much I want to show and teach you, but are you willing to explore with me?”

Tammy wasn’t sure exactly what he was asking her, but if it would always be like what had just happened, she was willing to try. “Yes, I want to explore and learn how to please you. Teach me the things you like.” She answered him, looking into his eyes.

“Thank you baby, that means more to me than you can know.” He said, sealing the deal with a long passionate kiss.

Lifting her off of him, he stood and went to the bathroom to remove the condom and get a warm wet rag to clean her. When he came back to the bedroom, she was curled into a ball in the middle of the bed, her little bottom sticking out and beckoning him. Ignoring his cock, he parted her legs and gently cleansed her of her fluids.

She moaned a protest and moved restlessly, but let him finish caring for her. After taking the cloth back to the bathroom, he came back to the bed and crawled in behind her, pulling her lush bottom to fit to his pelvis. Maybe in the morning he could take her again. Covering them both with a quilt, he cupped a breast and tucked her head under his chin. He felt her squirm a little to get comfortable and fit herself to him before he felt her relax back into his embrace, cozy and content. Closing his eyes, he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Seven

Tammy woke the next morning cocooned in warmth and feeling safe, safer than she had ever felt. Looking around, she realized that she was in Tyler’s room and he was wrapped around her. Twisting to face him, she watched him sleep.

Last night had been amazing. She had read a few erotic novels that involved spanking and some other things, but had never really thought about trying those things. Finding out that Tyler was into those things was thrilling and a little scary. She wasn’t scared of Tyler and what he would do, just how she would respond to what might happen. She thought some of them were just made up for the books. She hadn’t realized that people in real life did things like that. She really was very naïve when it came to sex and men.

Squirming to get closer to Tyler, she laid her head on his shoulder, trailing her fingertips over his chest and through his chest hair. She didn’t want to wake him, but couldn’t resist touching him.

He hadn’t said much after she told him her story, and she wondered what he thought about her and her situation. She couldn’t believe she had broken down and cried like that. She had learned long ago that crying never accomplished anything. All it did was mess up her face and make her feel worse. She seldom cried.

But last night she had cried tears that had been held in too long, tears for her mother, tears for her father. He hadn’t used to be a terrible person, but after her mother’s death, he had changed for the worse.

When she was very young, he had been a good person, responsible and dependable. He held a job and they had a nice little house with a yard she could play in, and from what she remembered, they had all been very happy.

After her mother’s death, everything had changed, or maybe she just noticed it more. Soon the house and almost everything they owned was gone. Her father couldn’t hold a job, and there was never enough of anything.

Laying there with Tyler, she let her mind drift, but soon pulled herself back from her musings. All that was behind her now. She didn’t know where things with Tyler were going to go, but she knew that wherever they went, it would be better than where she had come from. It had to be.

She let her eyes close and drifted back to sleep. When she woke, she was alone in the bed and the condo was quiet.

Getting up, she ran across the hall to shower before dressing. She didn’t want to use the shower in Tyler’s room, that was his.

Looking for her robe and remembering it was in the living room, she considered getting it, but figured if she was alone, there was no point.

Walking around naked felt decadent.

* * * *

Tyler had been sitting in the living room working on his laptop, when he heard the bedroom door open. Sitting where he could see down the hall but she couldn’t see him, he watched his naked sprite spiriting around.

He saw her come out of his bedroom and look around, then stop to listen, apparently hearing nothing, she slipped across the hall, naked, to her room. She was in there a few brief minutes before she slipped into the bathroom, still naked.

Tyler waited until he heard the shower start. Waiting a few more minutes he slipped down the hall, shucking clothes as he went and grabbing a condom from the bedroom, he opened the bathroom door. He had a surprise for his naked little fairy.

Tammy wondered where Tyler went, but didn’t worry about it. Maybe he had left a note in the kitchen or something. Enjoying being alone, she turned the shower as hot as she could stand and stepped in. It felt great to be able to relax and enjoy a long hot shower, since always before she’d had to hurry and get out because somebody was waiting or she had to be somewhere. Even though she was worried about money and a job, it felt good to have nothing to do.

She just stood under the spray and let her mind drift. She hadn’t been showering very long when she thought she heard the door open, but with all the steam she couldn’t see anything, and let out a little scream.

The shower door opened, and she grabbed the first thing she could find, a bottle of shampoo, and threw it.