“Uhm, Derek?” she called

“Yes, baby,” he answered walking back from the closet now dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt.

“There’s only a shirt and jeans here.”

“What else do you need?”

“Underwear?” She made it a question. It should have been a demand.

“No.” He answered her question blandly and sat on the bed beside her to put on his shoes and socks.

“What do you mean ‘no’?” she asked.

“No. I have your shoes from last night. Let me finish and I’ll get them. Are you going to put those on or just look at them? I really don’t mind keeping you naked, but…the rest of the team might like it too much.”

Dottie grabbed the clothes and stormed to the bathroom to get dressed. No underwear—what the hell was he thinking? Well, when she got home she would fix that problem.

Dressing in what she had, she went looking for her shoes. Luckily the General had just removed them and not done any damage, although she was sure that had it been necessary, Derek would have replaced those also. Derek even had her briefcase and purse from last night.

Even though she was still mad about the underwear, she looked up at him and smiled. He hadn’t had to do all this for her. “Thank you.” She reached up and cupped his face.

“You’ll thank me better later. We have to go.” He grabbed her hand and led her out of the room.

He took her out of the hotel a different way than she had come in and they went through a back door to a parking lot. There sat a black SUV. “Your chariot awaits, my lady,” he told her as he opened the door and lifted her up.

They drove through Starbucks and got coffee and a Danish on the way to FBI headquarters.

“Why are we going to Quantico? That’s FBI, aren’t you Secret Service?”

“Yes, baby, but we use the FBI offices sometimes and we are working with the FBI on this case.”

“What case?”

“Baby, I don’t want to upset you, but you may not be the first woman the General has attacked. The team did some investigating last night and there have been several disappearances that have occurred while he and his entourage are here negotiating. These have occurred over several months and only while he is here. All the disappearances that we have found so far have been hookers or street women, but the team is still investigating. There may be more. No one noticed the pattern until now. Now we think he may be running a slave ring and using his trips to the United States to find young girls and women for this. We want to walk you through what happened and see if he said anything to you that may have given any clues to his intentions,” he told her as he reached over and ran one hand up and down her thigh.

“Why me? Why did he pick me?” she wondered out loud.

“Baby, you’re a beautiful woman, why wouldn’t any man be crazy for you? I am.” He tried to comfort her.

“You are? Really?” she asked with wonder in her voice. She had had her share of dates and never had any problems, but no one had ever called her beautiful or told her that they were crazy for her. She’d even been engaged a couple times, but something always happened and she thought she was just screwing it up. To have this amazing man say he was crazy about her made her heart melt.

“What are you doing?” she asked as he pulled the car over. They were nowhere near where they needed to be and she didn’t think they had time for any stops.

“You’re too far away, scoot over here,” he said, patting the seat next to him.

She put her coffee in the holder and moved to where he indicated. Fastening the seat belt there, he slipped his hand into the V of her legs. “Perfect,” he said and leaned down and kissed her

She melted into his arms and let him take her mouth, opening and giving him everything.

He was the most amazing kisser and lover. She had never been with anyone who could set her body afire the way he did. One look from him and she was gushing. Her panties would be wet all the time she was around him. Giggling to herself, she thought, when I’m allowed to wear panties. Remembering that she wasn’t wearing underwear, she wiggled, wondering if he could feel the moisture through her jeans.

He broke the kiss and left her panting. With a quick squeeze between her legs, he pulled back onto the road. “We have to get going, it doesn’t look good when the team leader is late. I should have been there already.” He smiled at her and hit the gas.

“Oh, I’m sorry, did I make you late?” she asked, worried now. She hadn’t realized he was the team leader, but it made sense. He was in control of everything. She smiled, remembering how he took control last night. Would she get to experience that again?

“Baby, we’re fine. I’m always on time.” He assured her with another squeeze between her legs.

If he kept that up, she would be coming before she got out of the truck.