Dillon and Derek worked on the file for over an hour before Dillon finally cracked it. They had used all the passwords Dottie had given them and none of them had worked, but finally Dillon had written a program that took all the passwords from the people in Dottie’s office and tried them in different combinations until the file opened.

When Derek and Dillon looked at the file, they were astounded. It was a list of woman’s names and ages, a dollar amount, and a delivery date:

Pam Newsome 20 $150.000 7/25/14

Evelyn Tart 19 $225,000 7/31/14

Nancy Smith 18 $315,000 6/22/13

Carla Trane 22 $125,000 5/15/14

And so on until the last name on the list was Dorothy Chapman. The price next to her name was one million dollars and the delivery date was today’s date. Derek immediately radioed the team. He didn’t care what they had to interrupt. He wanted eyes on her now.

It wasn’t long before he had the answer he already knew. Dottie was nowhere to be found. The meeting she had been involved in was continuing, but she and Terrance were not there.

A quick questioning of the group revealed that they had left when the group broke for lunch and never came back to the meeting.

Derek questioned the team. Who had fucked up this time? Trent Clark and his partner from the FBI, David Davis, had followed the van that Dottie and Terrance took to lunch. Everything seemed on the up and up. They watched Dottie and Terrance go and eat and then get back in the van. They then followed them back to the White House and saw them leave the van and return to the meeting room. They did not follow them into the meeting.

Derek then concluded that Dottie had disappeared somewhere in the White House. There were any number of exits they could have left out of. Luckily there were video cameras on all exits and parking lots, and all the roads around the building were also on camera. All they had to do now as look at the footage. There were over a hundred cameras in all to watch, but they had an approximate time.

Dillon quickly wrote a computer program to scan all the video for the correct time stamp and the team sat at several monitors to watch.

Within the first few views, Tracy saw it. Terrance had Dottie’s arm twisted behind her back and was dragging her out to a parking lot. Quickly pulling up the corresponding camera for the parking lot, they saw Terrance force Dottie into a black SUV with dignitary license plates, and it appeared that there were at least two more men in the van.

Following the SUV on various cameras took some work, but in a relatively short time, Dillon was able to combine all the footage onto a continuous tape and they could watch from the time she was kidnapped until she was taken on a road that led out of town.

The team quickly pulled maps, trying to figure out where she might have been taken.

Knowing all dignitaries’ cars were equipped with GPS and tracking devices, Dillon quickly started tracing the SUV.

Derek ran to his own SUV, and he and Tyler began pursuit. The kidnappers were over an hour ahead of them and Derek prayed that they had not been able to get Dottie on a plane out of the country yet. The team fed them directions as they drove, and Derek nearly killed them, getting them out of town, to the point that Tyler was ready to take over driving…at gunpoint, if he needed to.

Finally convincing Derek that getting them killed would not help Dottie, Derek slowed a little, but his control was on the edge. Not something a Dom wanted to admit.

Derek and Tyler planned their attack as they drove. The team was soon following with a contingent of FBI, more Secret Service, and local law enforcement. All they needed was the Marines and they would have a complete battalion.

Tyler updated the team on the plan and everyone, including the locals, were ready to go. Tracking the kidnappers to a deserted airport, they stopped several yards away from the lone hangar and proceeded on foot.

The group surrounded the hangar, and on a pre-designated signal stormed the hangar. It was risky, but without knowing how many antagonists there were and how they were armed, it had been agreed that a blitz attack was the best way to go.

Since Dottie was the one likeliest to get hurt, Derek and Tyler were going straight for her and anyone that might be near her. The remainder of the group would take care of anyone else. They had to hope that they didn’t have her on the plane yet or everything changed.

Chapter Fourteen

It was over before Dottie realized what was going on. One minute she was preparing herself for the torture they had been threatening her with and the next she was in Derek’s arms.

The idiots who had taken her all dropped to the ground without a fight the minute the attack began, all except Terrance, who immediately jumped behind Dottie and started to act like he was also a victim. Everyone knew better and he was soon in custody with the other idiots.

Derek quickly freed Dottie and carried her out of the chaos and into his SUV. Sitting her in the seat, he wrapped her in his suit jacket and held her tight. Hysterically crying, she buried her face in his chest and let it all go. She had been strong as long as she could. Derek was here now. There was no longer any need to fight it.

Once she had calmed, Dottie told Derek how Terrance had drugged her at lunch, and by the time they got back to the White House, she was so woozy that she couldn’t fight.

They had bundled her into the waiting vehicle and during the ride to the hangar, threatened her with torture and removed her suit and shoes, leaving her in her thin chemise and underwear. When they got her to the hangar, she struggled so much that it took four of them to tie her to the chair.

By the time Dottie had finished telling her story to Derek, he had managed to lift her and was sitting in the seat, holding her in his lap. He knew Tyler would be out soon and would drive them back to his place. His job for right now was to hold and comfort his woman.

Derek buried Dottie’s face in his chest as they brought her kidnappers out, not wanting her to see. It was bad enough that she was going to have to retell the story several more times before she was done. Right now all he wanted to do was to get her home, into a hot bath and into his bed where he could hold and comfort her.