She had never tried to depend on anyone but herself. She had found out the hard way that if you depended on other people too much, they either let you down or left you. So she had learned not to do that, but it was different with Derek. It just seemed natural to let him take charge. Maybe that was what he meant when he called her a natural submissive.

Derek took her back to his place. The next night was Saturday and there was some event going on at the club that he wanted to take her to. He again supplied the outfit, this time a light pink spaghetti-strap sheath, low-cut in front and reaching barely to the top of her thighs. He had a matching thong and silver strappy stilettos to go with it. Dottie wasn’t sure about the shoes. She was so tall she never wore anything but the lowest heels. She was sure she was going to break her ankle. When she told Derek as much, he just laughed and said, “Hang onto me, baby, I’ll keep you from falling.” He probably had planned on it the whole time.

The event at the club was a collaring for two longtime members and friends of Derek, Trish Hamilton and Norris Grant.

Dottie watched the ceremony in awe. It was beautiful and much more intense than a wedding ceremony. She had tears in her eyes by the end of it.

Derek explained everything that was happening to her as Norris fastened Trish into a pair of stocks. Club charter provided that at the end of every collaring ceremony the submissive (male or female) was secured into the stocks on stage for a duration of fifteen minutes to no longer than one hour to be determined by the Dom, and every Dom or Domme in the club was allowed to give them five swats on the buttocks with the implement of their choice. They were allowed to choose from implements provided by the Dom, so the submissive’s Dom had some control over the procedures.

Norris had chosen to have Trish in the stocks for twenty minutes and provided a selection of paddles and straps for the Doms to use on Trish.

Derek and Dottie stood to watch for a few minutes, before he led her to the bar.

“You’re not going to congratulate her?” Dottie asked. She thought it was a weird way to congratulate someone, but not being in the lifestyle, figured it was normal.

“No, baby, if I want to smack someone’s ass, I have one right here to use.” He grinned at her as he slapped her on the butt.

Grabbing her by the hand, he led her to the private rooms. Taking her to the room that was set up like a sultan’s tent, he unlocked the door. “Change into what is lying on the bed, I’ll be back,” he told her as he opened the door and let her in.

Curious to see what he had planned, she anxiously went to the bed. In the past week, she and Derek had had many talks and she had told him of her fantasy to be captured by an evil sultan and how she wanted to be forced to submit to the wicked man’s ways. Looked like she was going to be able to play that out tonight, she thought with a smile on her face.

On the bed lay an aqua-green harem girl outfit. Dottie quickly put on all but the nipple clamps. As she was looking at them, Derek walked through the door. He was wearing a sultan’s outfit, his robes matching her outfit. Dottie almost clapped her hands in glee.

“I knew you would need help with those,” he said, taking the clamps from her.

Dottie had forgotten she was holding them in her excitement. “Okay, Master, may I try something?”

Derek smiled and told her yes.

“You stay right there.” She was barefoot and backed up to the far wall of the room. Taking a running start, she smiled a huge smile at Derek and said, “Catch me,” as she took off running. Just before she got to him she leapt, wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

Laughing, he wrapped one arm around her waist and angled the other over her back to cup her head. Just before kissing her, he asked, “What was all that about?” Then he took her mouth with his, exploring all that she was.

When he let her up for air, she laughed and said, “I’ve always wanted to do that, but was afraid to. I knew you could and would catch me. I may greet you like that often.” She was giggling like a schoolgirl.

Holding her tight, he walked her over to the large overstuffed chair in the room and sat, still holding her. “Baby, you can do that anytime you want. I will always catch you.” And he kissed her again, and again.

They played sultan and slave girl that night. Dottie had never felt as carefree. By the end of the evening, she was screaming from all the orgasms Derek had given her and was so exhausted, he had to carry her to the truck and into the house.

The weekend was quiet and Monday brought reality again. Dottie had to go to work. She needed to work with Terrance on the General’s story and there were several other matters she needed to attend to.

Derek drove her to her office, but had a meeting at headquarters, so he left her in the care of several members of the team.

There had been several more di

sappearances over the last few weeks and the pressure was coming down on him. No one could figure out how the General was doing it. No one was talking and the women that were disappearing were no longer just hookers and homeless teenagers. Now girls from the local colleges were going missing. No one ever claimed to see anything.

Stressed after his meeting, Derek wanted to find Dottie and have lunch. He radioed the team to check her location, only to find that she and Terrance were on assignment at the White House and would not be available for several hours.

At loose ends, he decided to go over her personal flash drives again just in case the team had missed something.

Reviewing the folders again, he found one that was password encrypted. Trying all the passwords Dottie had given him, nothing worked. She had been so free with all the information they had needed, why would she hide this one file? Looking at the file info, it didn’t come from the same source as any of the other files. Something was up.

Trying the team again, he was informed that Dottie was still with Terrance at the White House and decided to go there. Packing his laptop so that he could work while he waited, the hairs on his neck started to stand up. Something was up.

When he got to his office, he called Dillon, the team’s computer expert, to come talk with him. He knew and could do a lot with computers, but Dillon was the expert and nothing got by him. He was sure that Dillon had already found the file and was working on it.

Dillon reported in and as Derek was already aware, had found the file and was working on finding the password. He had already spoken to Dottie about it and she had no knowledge of the file or how it got onto her flash drive. It was on the flash from her laptop and since she sometimes left the laptop at the office when she didn’t need it at home, any number of people could have gotten access to it.