On the drive out of the city, Derek asked her, “Dottie, would you come to the club with me tonight? I just want to show you around and introduce you to some of my friends. We won’t do anything you don’t want to. I haven’t been there for over two weeks and I really need to check in. I keep in touch with the manager via phone and e-mail, but I like to put in an appearance occasionally. Would you go with me?”

Dottie couldn’t find a reason not to go and she was curious. “What will I wear?” she asked, not sure what people wore to this type of club.

“We’ll find you something.” He grinned.

When they reached Derek’s place, they greeted the horses first before going into the house. Derek fixed them a quick dinner while Dottie finished a few things on her laptop.

After eating, Derek led her to the bedroom, and pulling a package out of the closet, handed it to her.

Opening the package, Dottie found a dark purple brassiere and matching boy shorts. That was all that was in the package. “You want me to wear this?” she asked, continuing to look in the package, sure there was more in there.

Derek took the small

bag out of her hands and grasped both her hands in his. “Please,” was all he said.

Nodding, Dottie sat to change. Putting the outfit on didn’t take long, and when she was done, she walked into the bathroom to check her appearance. She actually looked good. This was something she would never have considered wearing outside the house, but it was a very flattering color and her legs looked long and sleek.

Leaving her hair down, she arranged it over her shoulders, helping to cover her chest. When she came out of the bathroom, Derek was waiting, wearing black jeans and a black leather vest with military books. Very much the alpha male.

Letting out a wolf whistle, he twirled her around, smacking her on the ass. “Looking hot, baby,” he told her. “I’m going to have to keep you close all night or someone will take you away from me and I can’t have that,” he said possessively.

Pulling a ribbon that matched her outfit out of his pocket, he fastened it around her neck. “This will act as a temporary collar tonight. One day I hope you will wear my collar permanently, but for tonight this will have to do. It will tell people that you belong to me. I will have a matching ribbon around my wrist. No one should talk to you without my permission, and you will talk to no one without my permission. The rules in the club are very simple. As my sub, even if only for one night, you belong to me. You do nothing without my approval while in the club. I know this will be hard for you, but it’s for your safety. If you do something that offends another Dom or his sub, he will want you punished and by the club rules he has the right to punish you. No one touches you but me, and I won’t allow you to be punished by another Dom. If you follow the rules, this will not be an issue. I will stay with you and guide you tonight. Before we go in the club, there’s a contract for you to read and sign. I have one here so we can do this before we leave. Baby, you will do fine, don’t be nervous.” As he said the last, he pulled her into his arms and held her tight.

He led her into the kitchen and sat her at the bar to read and sign the contract while he went to the dungeon to pack his toy bag. He planned on taking Dottie to a private room for some play after he finished showing her around.

Chapter Nine

The week had been quiet and there was little activity from the General, but Derek wasn’t ready to let his guard down. He still didn’t trust things, it was too quiet.

But now was not the time to worry about the General. He was taking Dottie to his club and he needed to set down some rules. She had read the contract and knew all the club rules, but he had a few personal rules he wanted her to follow as his sub, even if it was only for one night. He would tell her in the truck.

For the trip to the club, he pulled out big blue, his personal monster truck. Opening the door, he helped her up and in and had her scoot to the middle before crawling in himself. Making sure she was secured before fastening his own belt, he started them on the way.

“Dottie, in addition to the rules for the club which were in the contract you signed, I have a few personal rules as a Dom that I want my subs to follow. The first one is no speaking without permission, even to me. If you want to say something, you may touch my arm and I will give you permission to speak, other than that you are to be quiet at all times. The second rule is you do not touch, shake hands, or anything with anyone but me. If I want you to shake hands I will let you know. Third, no looking at any other Dom or Domme in the eye. You will be able to tell the Doms and Dommes by their apparel. Subs, male and female, will be dressed similarly to you and Doms and Dommes will be dressed similar to me. Do you have any questions?”

Yeah, I have questions, Mister. Number one, who do you think you are and what the hell do you mean I have to follow rules? Dottie thought to herself, but being a smart woman, said, “I’m not sure why I have to do these things. What does it matter who I talk to or if I shake hands and if I look people in the eyes?”

Dottie saw him take a deep breath before he answered. Had she made him mad?

“Dottie, in a Dom/sub relationship, I make the rules, you follow them. I don’t want you offending anyone accidentally by saying or doing the wrong thing. I know you’re a smart, intelligent woman, but this is a totally new environment for you and you have no idea what you’re getting into or how to behave in this world. If you have set rules, it will make you more comfortable. Now instead of not knowing how to respond to something someone may say that may make you uncomfortable, you have the excuse that your Dom won’t allow you to talk and don’t have to answer anything that may make you uncomfortable. Most of the people you meet tonight will know that I am one of the owners and will expect you to behave in a certain way because they know that is the way I expect my subs to behave. No one will think anything less of you and they will respect you more for following my rules. The rules are to protect you, not to humiliate or make you feel less of yourself. Can you do this for me, baby?”

Dottie thought a moment. What Derek had said made sense and he wasn’t really asking that much of her. If the rules were truly for her protection, then it made sense to do what he said.

“Will everyone else be doing the same?” she asked, curious if she was the only one who had to follow rules.

“Each Dom has his own rules for his sub, and they are all different. Everyone in the club has to follow the rules on the contract you signed or they get their membership put on probation or revoked depending on what they do, but the rules for individual subs depends on the Doms. Some subs will kneel and crawl and not walk in their Master’s presence, some will wear a gag. There are all kinds of rules for different situations. If you just do as I have asked you, you will be fine.”

He wanted to reassure her but keep her scared enough to obey him. Derek wasn’t really worried about Dottie, he knew she could do what he asked and that there wouldn’t be a problem.

Derek had taken subs to the club before, but never anyone he was as serious about as Dottie. He wanted to show her off and proclaim to the world that she was his and his alone, and if anyone even thought about looking at her too long or touching her there would be hell to pay.

Derek have given Dottie a leather jacket of his to wear, which was too big, but looked good on her and covered her from her shoulders to mid-thigh. She looked hot.

Taking her in the club, he gave her paperwork to the receptionist, then showed her were the locker rooms were but took her to his office to leave her jacket. He sat her on the couch in his office and then gave her a brief description of what the club would look like and what she was likely to see so she wouldn’t be shocked. Leaving his toy bag on the couch, he took her to show her the club.

The night was early and it was quiet, not a lot of activities or guests happening yet. It would be busier later, but Derek had planned on getting there before the crowd so he could show Dottie around. Friday and Saturday night were normally the busiest, but most of the activity happened later.

Derek showed her the various play stations and stages where there were demonstrations. Then he took her to the bar and introduced her to the bartender, explaining that there was a two-drink limit.