“Baby, I got everything I needed. I don’t always need sex. Sometimes, just pleasing my woman is enough for me.” He answered her as he pulled her closer to him.

Turning in his arms, she looked up into his deep, dark brown eyes and said, “Derek, I want to do something for you, will you let me take you in my mouth?”

What man could answer no to that? Derek thought of himself as fairly intelligent and was never one to refuse a lady. “If you want to, baby.” He smiled at her.

The fact that she was worried about him and his needs just made her more perfect in his eyes. He could see a future with Ms. Chapman, and wondered how she felt about children. That was an issue they needed to address if this went where he thought it would. But now was way too soon, it was only the first weekend, the first of many, he hoped.

Dottie turned around on her knees, and flipping her hair over one shoulder, leaned down to take him in her mouth.

Chapter Seven

Dottie woke later alone in the big bed in Derek’s room. He must have carried her up there after they were done in the tub, she remembered taking him in her mouth and swallowing him to completion, and then he held her close to him in the water, warming it several times before she fell asleep.

Looking around, she didn’t see Derek anywhere, so she grabbed one of his shirts and went to find him.

He was sitting on the back porch with his laptop, typing furiously. He seemed very focused and she didn’t want to disturb him, so she just walked over to the glider and sat down to wait for him to finish.

Derek nodded at Dottie and she smiled, still trying not to disturb him.

He continued typing for several minutes before turning his attention to her.

“Hey baby, how’d you sleep?” he asked in that deep, gravelly voice of his.

“Good, but Derek, as much as I hate to end this, I need to go home so I can get things ready for work in the morning. As it is, I will probably hear about not calling in all weekend,” she told him with a sigh. She really didn’t want to end their time together. This weekend had been a fantasy and a dream come true.

Dottie was afraid that when reality hit, she would be in for a letdown. Would she see Derek during the week? They both had busy careers and their hours were not conventional. Could they find time for each other? Would he want to see her? His words and actions indicated he did, but was reality something different? For the first time in a long time, Dottie wasn’t sure how to proceed and what to do next.

She really wanted Derek to come home with her and stay but didn’t know how to ask.

Derek looked at her with a hint of sadness in his eyes. “I guess you should go to work tomorrow. No chance I can talk you into running away with me?” he asked just a hint of seriousness in his voice.

Dottie stood and walked over to him. Draping herself into his lap, she cupped his face with her hand and looked into his eyes. “That sounds like a wonderful idea, but we both know it won’t work. We are both too responsible to do something like that.”

“I guess you’re right, it was a nice thought. Let’s get you dressed and I’ll grab my go bag and we’ll get something to eat before I take you home,” Derek said, lifting her and leading her into the house.

“’Go bag’?” she asked.

“A bag I keep packed in case I have to go in a hurry. Every agent has one. You never know when an assignment will take you out of town and sometimes you have to be ready in a hurry. I keep one here and one at the office. It has enough clothes and other necessities to last me a week. If I need to be away longer than that I can always buy additional supplies.”

Dottie was really confused now, but didn’t say anything, she just went along with him. Maybe he had an assignment out of town for the week and couldn’t give her any details.

Derek took Dottie for dinner then drove her home. Her car had been moved from the hotel back to her condo sometime during the weekend, so she had no worries.

Arriving at her condo, Derek grabbed his bag and followed her to the door. Looking at him curiously, she still didn’t say anything, just handed him the key to open the door and let him follow her in.

Quickly turning lights on, she gave him a quick tour. When they reached her bedroom he set his bag down. Looking at it, she finally asked, “Why do you need that? Are you going away for an assignment?”

Derek simply answered, “no,” and walked out to her living room. Sitting on the couch, he kicked off his shoes, put his big feet on her antique coffee table and grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels until he found a football game.

Dottie looked at him incredulously and sat beside him. “Do you mind telling me what’s going on here?” she asked.

Grinning and not turning his attention away from the game, he told her, “You’re my next assignment. I’m staying here. The couch doesn’t look big enough for me, so I’ll have to sleep in your bed. Whether you sleep there or somewhere else is up to you.”

Grabbing the remote out of his hand, she clicked off the television and demanded, “Would you stop watching that and tell me what’s going on?”

Still grinning like a fool, Derek explained, very proud of himself. “The powers that be have decided that you are in danger. I have been assigned to protect you. I could have used the entire team, but as a hardship to myself I decided to take the assignment solo and will stay with you until it is determined

that the threat is over.”