Chapter Twenty-Five

Their time at the cabin was over and it was time to go back and face reality again. Up until their shopping trip Theresa had enjoyed the cabin and time with Alan. If it wouldn’t have been for that clerk, she would be engaged now. Instead here she was pouting and acting like a baby. She shouldn’t let the opinion of one person upset her so. Alan didn’t act like it bothered him. If anything he was more

attentive and loving, trying to lighten her mood. She needed to find someone to talk to. Maybe Rachel at the Club could help her. She had been very helpful so far. But first she needed to get this business with Joe over, then she could concentrate on the rest of her life.

The trial was Tuesday morning, they had come back from the cabin early on Monday, thinking the trial was that day, but Joe’s lawyer postponed. Alan had taken Theresa shopping while in Aspen and had bought her a very smart light blue skirt and jacket to wear. He was wearing a dark suit with a white shirt and a tie that matched Theresa. Kevin met them at the courthouse and he was also in a suit.

Joe showed up in jeans and a torn T-shirt, and ragged tennis shoes. His attorney, who had also been Theresa’s attorney at one point, was in a rumpled suit that looked like he had slept in it.

The group met outside the courtroom and Joe started trash-taking immediately trying to intimidate Theresa. Theresa did her best to ignore him and Alan kept her close, trying to infuse his strength into her. He had held her close the night before and assured her that everything would work out and no matter what the judge decided, they would be together. If the house did go to Joe, they would buy or build something of their own. It didn’t matter.

Finally their time came and the group went into the courtroom. The lawyers presented the facts and evidence and it was all given to the judge. The judge overlooked everything, then asked the lawyers questions. Then he asked Theresa several questions about the wills and her life growing up. When he came to Joe, it was laughable. Joe twisted everything and lied continuously. The case as adjourned and the judge took a recess to evaluate everything and for lunch.

Theresa, Alan and Kevin, went for lunch. When they came back Joe was worse, threatening Theresa, Alan and Kevin. He was so verbal and threatening that a couple police officers came and talked to him.

“Don’t worry, he’s just making himself look worse,” Kevin reassured them. After what seemed like forever they were called back into the courtroom and all seated. The judge called the attorneys up and talked to them for several minutes before they returned to their seats. Alan looked at Kevin, but he just shook his head.

Finally the judge made the announcement. After reviewing all the paperwork he found the house to be Theresa’s. If Joe wanted to buy it for fair market price and Theresa was willing to sell that was up to them, but all the documentation and wills throughout the years proved that the house was hers and hers alone.

Theresa was thrilled. She gave Kevin a big hug and hung on Alan. Poor Joe was whining about how he needed the money and what was he going to do. Theresa felt a little sorry for him, but remembered that Joe’s dad had always been afraid that Joe would try and sell the house for drugs and it appeared he was correct.

Alan took Theresa home and announced, “I want to go to the Club to celebrate.” It sounded good to Theresa, drinks with friends and a celebration, something to break her mood.

Alan took her into the bedroom and laid out an outfit he wanted her to wear and gave her thirty minutes to be ready while he got ready himself.

Theresa felt the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders. Suddenly nothing mattered any more. The hell with the store clerk in Aspen, he was just jealous, his opinion didn’t matter. All that mattered was Alan and her.

Alan noticed the change in her attitude as she bounced out of her room, ready to go to the Club. She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. “I don’t know if I thanked you,” she said as she pulled him down to kiss him.

“Thanked me for what, baby?” he asked her, kissing her back.

“Being you and loving me,” she answered simply, her eyes glowing.

“Always, baby, always,” he answered against her mouth. “Ready to go?” She just grabbed his hand and nodded.

Theresa was very animated on the way to the Club, talking excitedly and bouncing around. Alan was glad to see that whatever had been dragging her down had seemed to pass.

At the Club, they sat at the bar. Craig was tending bar that night and Rachel was sitting with him. While Craig and Alan talked, Theresa made plans to go shopping with Rachel. Time for some girl talk.

They had a good time at the Club and Theresa even let Alan put her on a St. Andrew’s Cross and flog her. It was her first scene in the Club.

The next few days and nights flew by without any contact from Joe and Theresa kept busy working. Alan had been doing some bartending at the Club, giving Craig some much-deserved time off. Life was good.

Chapter Twenty-Six

It was Saturday and Theresa and Rachel were going shopping. While the girls were out, Alan had some shopping of his own planned. He and Theresa had been looking at rings online and he had decided what he wanted. He was going to buy it while she was out.

Theresa and Rachel were having a great time shopping and decided to stop in an upscale bistro for lunch. Neither had been there before, but they had heard it was good and the reviews for the place were over the top. As they were seated, Theresa noticed a pinched-faced woman that looked familiar sitting at a table as they walked by. Not really paying attention she and Rachel were seated and soon had their orders taken.

They were talking and giggling when the woman walked up to the table. “Theresa Gomez, isn’t it?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m sorry I don’t remember you,” Theresa smiled at the woman.

“Pam Drews, I’m a paralegal for Kevin Hoffman, the attorney Alan Rainer hired for you.”

That was why the woman looked familiar, Theresa had met her once, but Kevin had insisted on doing most of the work himself, so they hadn’t interacted much. “How can I help you?” Theresa asked the woman, not sure what she could want with her.

“I just wanted to tell you, how happy I am the Alan has found someone, even if you are so young. Val, his wife would be happy for him. Such a tragedy, about Val and the baby, but I’m sure Alan told you all about it. Well, I’ve interrupted your lunch for long enough, I’ll take my leave now.” The woman walked away looking catty.