Theresa’s head was spinning, she’d been awake about five minutes and had been given a lot of information to process. A spa day did sound like fun, and if Alan wanted to treat her…She wasn’t sure how she felt about him paying for so many things. The security on her house, the repairs on her car, he had taken her shopping and practically bought her a new wardrobe, now he was paying for a spa day. She was going to owe the man big time. Even though she didn’t like the thought of Alan paying for so many things, it felt good to be spoiled by him.

She quickly showered and when she finished in the bathroom, went into the bedroom to dress. Alan had laid clothes on the bed, so she assumed that was what he wanted her to wear. A low-cut scoop-neck red blouse and short flirty black skirt. She didn’t see a bra or panties, but knew better than to look for them unless she wanted her ass smacked.

Grateful for the flats he left instead of the stilettos he usually had her wear, she walked out to the living room.

“You look beautiful, baby, off we go.” He took her to Dave’s truck and drove to the spa. He made sure she was checked in and that they had all his instructions, and left her there with Rachel.

Several hours later, she had been massaged, waxed and buffed. The waxing was very embarrassing and painful, but Rachel assured her that all the subs did it for their Doms. If it was something Alan wanted, she would do it Feeling like a new woman, she and Rachel walked out of the spa. Surprised they didn’t see Alan and Craig right away, the girls decided to get a latte and sit outside and enjoy the day.

They found a sunny table and sat to talk and enjoy their drinks. Theresa was enjoying talking with Rachel. Rachel was very open and a great source of information on being a sub. They had been talking a few minutes, when Theresa heard her name called.

“Hey, Sis,” Joe said walking up to them with some of his hoodlum friends. “Who’s your friend? She’s cute.” The guys with him started catcalling and whistling.

“Go away, Joe.” Theresa was so embarrassed.

“Come on, Sis, we just want to have fun. Where’s your bodyguard, he dump you already? That’s too bad. Maybe you and I could finally hook up. You look good. Think about it, then you wouldn’t have to move out of the house and I could still have the money I need.”

“Joe, you need to leave,” Theresa said firmly, dialing 911 on her phone.

“Don’t call the cops on me, Sis, you know I’m right. I just want what’s rightfully mine.”

Rachel had been sitting there quietly, but under the table she was frantically texting Craig. She knew they were in a bad situation.

Theresa stayed firm with Joe, hoping Alan would come along soon. They were starting to draw a crowd, but instead of being embarrassed, Theresa was glad. She knew Joe and his buddies wouldn’t try anything with the crowd there.

After a few long minutes, Craig pulled up with a screech of tires, Alan close behind him. Both men jumped out of their trucks and came running up to the girls. Pushing their way through the crowd, the men ran to their women.

“Awww, look, her boyfriend’s back,” Joe chanted. “And the pretty one has a boyfriend, too. What a bummer. Get your shit outta my house, Sis. I’ll be back for my money. Later.” He turned and rudely shoved his way through the crowd, his buddies following him, catcalling and jeering.

Theresa looked at Rachel and apologized. “I’m sorry you had to witness that.” She felt like she should explain more, but really didn’t have the energy to go into it.

“Don’t worry about it, honey, we’ll talk sometime at the Club. Let’s get out of here.” Rachel hugged Theresa and, taking Craig’s hand, walked to his truck, smiling.

Alan looked at Theresa. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Let’s just get out of here.”

Not exactly how Alan had planned on the day ending. He was frustrated at himself for allowing Theresa to be put in that situation. He had planned on being at the spa before the girls were done, but it had taken longer at the car shop and they had ran late. Something he was going to make sure didn’t happen in the future.

He drove for a while, then pulled into an empty parking lot and pulled Theresa into his arms. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you. Are you really okay?”

She smiled up at him and reached one hand up to cup his face. “I’m fine. Thank you for being so concerned. Joe was just being his usual asshole self. Something I’m afraid, I’ve gotten used to. I really need to figure out a way to get rid of him for good. I’m afraid he won’t go without money though.”

“I’m going to make an appointment with my lawyer and you and I will go and talk to him and make sure there’s nothing Joe can do. I want to make sure your house is safe. Then I’ll figure out a way to get rid of him.”

“I have a lawyer,” Theresa told him.

“I know, but I trust my lawyer and want you to see him. I don’t know your guy and I’m not saying he’s bad, I just want you to see someone I know and trust.”

“Okay,” Theresa answered with a sigh, but all she could think about was that it would mean more expense.

“Now, let’s see how they did,” Alan said, reaching beneath her skirt.

“Here, in the parking lot, what if someone sees?” Theresa squeaked as Alan rubbed his hand over her bare mound.

“There’s no one around and I want to see and feel. I may even taste if I want to,” Alan told her as he ran his hand over her bare mound. Pushing her against the passenger door of his truck, he turned her and lifted her legs, one over the back of the seat, the other onto the dash.

He peered between her legs, and leaning down, grasped her buttocks one in each hand, lifting her to his mouth, he licked her bare mound and slipping his tongue into her pussy, licked from her clit to her rear hole.