Knowing what was coming, she took a deep breath and nodded.

He applied the other clamp and immediately took her nipple in his mouth until he felt her relax again. “Better now?” he asked her.

She nodded and he reached back into the bag and brought out a flogger. She looked at it wide-eyed, but remembering how it had felt on her back was not too scared.

“I’m going to use this to warm up those beautiful tits. If it gets to be too much, say red, and if you need to slow down say yellow. Ready?”

She nodded again and he reached down and turned up the vibe and pressed it more firmly into her clit, tightening the strap slightly.

She arched her hips and moaned, “Oh God.”

He took the flogger and gently trailed it over her breasts and stomach. Swishing it gently he trailed it back and forth until he saw her relax slightly. Upping the speed on the vibe again, he lifted his arm and brought the flogger down on both breasts, not hard, but harder than she expected.

The sensation was intense. More intense than she had anticipated. Not knowing what he was going to do next and not being able to move her arms to protect herself, Theresa’s body was a mass of confusion. Part of her wondered what he was going to do next, but she knew he wouldn’t hurt her and her body was primed for whatever came.

He flogged her breasts a few more times, then leaned down to kiss her. “How are you doing?” he asked.

“I need, I…” She panted, not knowing what she wanted. “More,” she finally got out.

“Yes, baby, more,” he answered her.

He leaned down and turned the vibe off, removing it and the straps.

“Nooo,” she moaned. She was so close, why was he stopping?

“Shhh. I’m not finished.” He smiled at her.

“Please, please, please,” she panted.

“Yes, baby, I won’t stop.” Releasing her hands and legs, he flipped her over and back into the bag he went, this time pulling out a small butt plug and lube. Reaching between her legs, he circled her clit with one finger and plunged two more inside her. Knowing it would be easier for her to take the plug, he gave her a quick orgasm, listening to her scream his name.

He lubed one finger and pouring more lube over her small hole, he rimmed it with the finger.

“Ohhh.” She squirmed and tried to get away.

“Easy, relax and let me in.” He soothed her, slipping his finger in. Taking his other hand and rubbing her clit, he slowly pushed his finger in. Moving it around, he pulled out and adding more lube inserted two fingers.

“I…ohhh,” she moaned.

He continued rubbing her clit and pushing both fingers in as far as they would go. Slowly he pulled them out and then pushed them back several times. He continued this until she came again, screaming. Taking his fingers out, he lubed the plug and slowly pushed it in. Once he had it in as far as it would go, he turned her back over and refastened her restraints.

Moving the hair out of her face, he kissed her nibbling on her lips. “How are you doing?”

“That was…I…wow!” Brain still not working.

“Yeah, baby, wow,” he said against her mouth.

“Sir, what’s in my ass?” she asked, finally getting her brain to work.

“Just a small butt plug,” he answered her as he reached and twisted one of the clamps.

“Ohhh…small?” she questioned.

“Yes, baby, I want to play more there, but I need to get you used to having something there and soon I want to fuck you there.”

“Oh,” she answered, not sure how she felt about that. It felt like she had a baseball bat up there now, how would it feel with his cock? He said the plug was small and his cock was anything but small.

“Theresa, it feels bigger because you’re not used to it. I will use several plugs up there getting larger each time and leaving them longer until you are stretched and ready for me. You’ll get used to it.”