“That was strange, do you know her?” Rachel asked.

“Not really, she is who she said she was, but I really didn’t interact with her. Alan handled everything and I just met with Kevin, the lawyer a few times, she was there once. I wonder why she felt the need to come up and say that to me, oh well, here comes our lunch. I’ll figure it out later.”

As they ate their lunch, they talked, but Theresa was distracted. “Rachel, can I ask you something?” she finally said.

“Sure,” Rachel answered.

“I really don’t know who else to ask, but I wanted to talk about BDSM and everything that happens. I have read some books, but I’m clueless here and not sure what I’m doing,” Theresa said quickly, not sure how to ask the questions she wanted answered.

“Honey, the main thing you need to remember is the three main points, safe, sane and consensual. As long as you and Alan are both happy and willing, whatever works for the two of you is good.”

“But what if he wants to do something I don’t want to do?” Theresa asked.

“Honey you have all the power. The Dom’s role is to push you, but as the sub you have the power to stop anytime you need to. If you have the right Dom you should never be scared to stop a scene when it gets to be too much for you.”

“Okay, thanks, one more question and then I’m done. Do you think it’s weird that Alan never told me about his wife and child?” Theresa was now wondering what else she didn’t know about Alan.

Rachel thought for a minute before she answered, not sure what to say. “Theresa, I don’t know Alan that well, but I’m sure he has his reasons. Just talk to him. Tell him what happened and how it made you feel and see what he says,” she finally answered.

“I guess that would be best, I just wonder why he never said anything?” Theresa answered, not sure if she would say anything or not.

They finished their lunch and continued shopping. Theresa didn’t think anything more about it.


While Theresa was out shopping Alan did his own shopping and then took advantage of her absence to move some more of his things into the house. They had decided to stay there for the time being and if in the future they wanted something bigger would decide what to do with the house then. Alan still hadn’t decided what to do with his condo.

When Theresa got home she was quiet, but not overly so, and Alan didn’t notice that anything was wrong. She showed him her purchases and then went to lie down. She wanted some time to think.

When Theresa came out of the bedroom, Alan was sitting on the couch watching television. She walked over to him and sat very close beside him, taking one hand into both of her hers. “I need to ask you something,” she told him, looking into his eyes.

He hit the remote for the television and turned to her. “Anything, baby.” He smiled at her.

“Tell me about your wife,” she said, taking a deep breath.

“How did you hear about her?” he asked, taking his own deep breath. He hadn’t really thought much about Val while he was with Theresa. When he was with Theresa, there was no one but her.

“Rachel and I had lunch at the new bistro today. Pam, Kevin’s paralegal, was there and she came up to us and made a comment.”

“Do you mind telling me what she said?” he asked, not that it mattered. He was going to tell the truth.

Theresa told Alan what the woman had said and waited for his response.

Alan pulled Theresa into his lap and hugged her tight. Slowly he told her about Val. How they had met while he was in the service, the fact that they had dated several years before they married, how she wasn’t into the lifestyle and he had given it up for her. And finally how he had lost her and their son during childbirth. He told her things he had never told anyone else. He let all his feelings out and when he was done they both had tears streaming down their faces.

Theresa sat quietly while Alan told his story, letting him tell it at his own pace and not interrupting, her questions could wait. When he was done she wrapped her arms around him and held him, not knowing what else to do.

“I’m sorry I never told you this before. While I’ve been with you, I haven’t thought about Val or the baby much. You are the only thing on my mind these days. Thank you for listening.” He leaned down and rested his forehead on hers, tears still in his eyes.

“Thank you for telling me. I know that must have been hard to talk about. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I know it still must hurt to talk or think about it,” she told him and weaved one hand in his hair at the back of his head, reaching up to touch his lips with hers.

“It felt good to tell you, I think it helped to get it off my chest. Pam was right, Val would be happy I found you. She would have liked you. You are a totally different person than she was. I think she’s happy for us.” He smiled at her and brushed her lips with his.

Theresa relaxed back into his arms, content to let him hold her and just lie there for a while.

Alan was also content to just sit and hold Theresa, not ready to move and he didn’t really feel a need to talk more.

The sat that way for a while, then Alan took Theresa to bed and made gentle love to her, waking her several times during the night, not able to get enough of her.