Page 31 of Saving Lena

“I’m good. Tired. It was busy tonight. I think I’m going to bed,” Lena answered her and walked away. Lena knew she was being rude and that Jenna had stayed up to talk to her, but she couldn’t do it. She needed some time alone to think.

As she walked to her room, she saw Kyle exiting the room at the end of the hall. The door had always been locked and she wasn’t sure what was in there. When she had asked Jenna, she had told her that was a room they didn’t want the kids in and nothing more.

A few minutes later she heard Jenna giggling and the low timbre of Kyle’s voice and then a door opening and closing. It must have been the one at the end of the hall, because it sounded too far away to be their bedroom door which was across the hall from Lena’s.

The next morning, it was very late before Jenna came down. Lena had already had breakfast, and she and the nanny had already fed and bathed the children. Emma, the nanny, had already taken the children off to the park.

Jenna was walking stiffly but had a smile on her face and a dreamy look in her eyes. Lena didn’t pry but was glad Jenna looked happy. When Kyle came out of his office for lunch, he had a satisfied grin on his face that explained everything.

Later that afternoon the doorbell rang, a messenger with flowers for Lena from all three of her men. That evening they each called her and she talked for several hours with them, finally getting off the phone, not wanting to tie up Jenna and Kyle’s line any longer.

The next day, Lena received a cell phone. R.J. called and explained that they wanted to be able to call and text her anytime and not have to depend on Kyle and Jenna to get through to her.

Gifts, texts, and calls continued through the week with the men begging her to come home or to go out with them. Friday arrived and Lena was scheduled to work at the club. The car she had been borrowing wasn’t available that night, so she rode with Jarrod to the club.

The night was a busy one again and Lena didn’t notice when her men came in the bar. By the time she was able to take a break most of the people had left for the evening. She, Jarrod, and Melissa worked hard getting everything cleaned up and getting ready to close the club down after the busy evening. Every night someone had to check the private rooms and make sure the ones that hadn’t been rented for the evening were empty. Tonight it was Lena’s turn. She grabbed the keys and started knocking on doors and opening them to make sure they were empty. She had checked all but one and after knocking let herself in to check and make sure it was empty.

She closed the door and turned to check the bathroom when the lights went out. Crap. Jarrod must not realize she was still in the rooms and the doors locked electronically so she was stuck until someone missed her.

She stood in the middle of the room and tried to remember the orientation so she could find a place to sit. She took a step into the room and was sure she heard something. Reaching out a hand she felt around, trying to find the couch or a chair somewhere to sit other than the floor.

Jumping at every little sound, she bent at the waist and reached out for the chair, trying to convince herself that Jarrod or Melissa would be in to find her shortly. Relax, deep breath, relax, she kept repeating to herself over and over. Mumbling the words, she inched forward, reaching for the chair until she felt the arm. She groped and felt until she was sure she had herself turned right and would sit in the chair instead of plopping on the floor. She eased herself down and as she got about halfway down, she felt someone or something grab her around the waist and pull her back. Letting out a scream, she reached around, swinging her arms and kicking her legs and screaming as loud as she could.

A hand closed over her mouth and she was held in a tight grip. “Lena, stop!” she heard a firm voice say.

Slowly she stopped fighting and relaxed. Hal. She would know that voice anywhere. The hand was removed from her mouth and the arms around her lessened their tight grip.

“Okay now, baby?” That was R.J. He was the one holding her.

“Mel, are you here, too?” she asked the air, still unable to see anything.

“Yeah, just a minute, honey and I’ll get the lights back on,” he answered and then the lights came on.

“Jeez, you guys scared the crap out of me. You’re a bunch of assholes,” she said, totally relaxing in R.J.’s lap. “Did you have to do all this? All you had to do was ask and I’d have come back here with you.”

“How did we know that? We’ve been begging all week for you to meet with us and all you’ve done is put us off,” Mel answered her, moving to sit on the arm of the chair she and R.J. were in.

Hal was standing in front of her, his arms crossed over his massive chest, looking down at her. He dropped to one knee and took her hand. “We couldn’t take the chance you would put us off again,” he told her, pulling her hand to his mouth and kissing each of her fingers.

R.J. moved his hands from her waist and cupped the undersides of her breasts. “Honey, we want you. We don’t know how to say we’re sorry any more. Haven’t you punished us enough?” he asked, pulling her tank top up and sliding his hand up her bare stomach to the front clasp of her bra.

Lena really was happy to see them. They had been trying to make it up to her all week and she had planned on giving in on Sunday and going to see them. She just hadn’t told them yet.

“Please, darling, say you’ll come back home,” Mel said, reaching for the hem of her very short skirt and pushing it up to reveal her thong.

She let her head fall back on R.J.’s shoulder, totally relaxing her body. “Yes, I’ll come back,” she told them, allowing her eyes to fill with tears. “I forgive you and understand why you did what you did.” She felt R.J.’s tense body relax beneath her.

Mel leaned over and framed her face with both his hands, pulling her to him. “Thank you. You’ll never regret this,” he told her, pressing his lips to her and taking her mouth with his, staking his claim.

When Mel released her, Hal took his place, nibbling at her lips and pulling her up to lean against him. While she was standing, R.J. reached up and pulled her micro skirt and thong down her legs. Hal held her while she stepped out of them.

Hal set her back in R.J.’s lap, lifting her tank top and bra over her head, leaving her naked.

He spread her legs on the outside of R.J. and Mel knelt between them. “We have one thing we want you to wear and never take off,” he said, pulling a box out of his pocket and opening it to reveal the largest chocolate diamond she had ever seen. “Will you marry us, Lena?” he asked, taking the ring out of the box and sliding it on her finger.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she answered, tears running down her face. They all kissed her again and she gazed at the ring. “Tell me one thing?” she asked.

“What, baby?” Hal answered.