Page 27 of Saving Lena

“I’m going to start moving now. We’ll go slow and let you get used to it at first,” Hal told her, replacing R.J.’s hand on her hip with his and using it to guide her into the rhythm they wanted.

Mel had been watching Hal and R.J. get inside their girl and wasn’t going to be left out. Crawling up beside her on his knees, he grasped her head with both hands. “I’ve got something for this pretty little mouth to do,” he said, kissing her thoroughly.

When he released the kiss, Lena opened her mouth and let him feed himself inside her. All three of her men were loving her at once. The feelings were so intense.

R.J. squeezed her clit, drawing her attention back to him. “We’re going to speed up now,” he told her.

He and Hal set up a quick pace where when one was in the other was out. Mel quickly caught up to them and the three of them were thrusting rapidly in and out of her in a frenzy. The men came one after another.

Mel came first, pulling away and cradling her head against his thigh as he caught his breath. Then Hal came with a shudder beneath her, and finally R.J. behind her, falling on her and Hal.

Lena felt her body start to quicken and R.J. began pinching and pulling her clit to give her the push she needed. She felt the spasms go through her body and collapsed against Hal, the world going black.

The men quickly removed themselves from Lena and carefully carried her to the shower where all three of them gently washed her before carrying her to bed and tucking her between them.

“I’ve never seen that happen before. Do you think she’s okay?” R.J. asked, brushing a lock of hair out of Lena’s face.

“Yeah, we just wore her out, poor thing. She just needs some rest,” Mel said, brushing a kiss along Lena’s lips.

Lena woke the next morning and something had changed. She was in bed alone and didn’t see any signs of her men. She grabbed the first shirt she found and walked out to the dining room where she found them all sitting at the table talking and drinking coffee.

She grabbed a cup and went to sit with them. Usually one of them would grab her and pull her onto their lap or pull a chair for her to sit with them, but not today.

“What’s going on?” she asked. She could tell by the disgruntled looks on their faces that something was up.

“How well do you know Greg Bates?” Mel asked, a very serious look on his face.

“He’s Simon’s uncle. I met him once while I was dating Simon,” Lena answered, wondering what was going on.

“Are you sure you just met him the one time?” R.J. asked, pushing his chair away from the table and walking toward her.

“It might have been twice, why? What’s up?” Lena was starting to get nervous. Something was wrong.

“Well, we were going through some of Simon’s records looking for evidence and trying to find out who he was working for when we found this check made out to cash with your signature on it,” Hal said, waving the copy of the check in her face.

“Oh, sometimes Simon had me write checks out of a loan account to pay expenses. That was probably for his lunch or something,” Lena said, relaxing.

“Pretty expensive lunch, Lena. Look closer at the check. It’s for ten thousand dollars and it’s made out to Greg Bates. Why would Simon be giving his uncle that kind of money? Why did you sign the check?” Hal said, handing her the paper.

“That can’t be right. I never signed anything that big. The account was small, only five thousand dollars, and was suppose to be used for Simon’s expenses and any fees we needed to pay out of it. There’s no way I signed a check for that amount.” Lena was sure she’d never seen a check that big. But as she looked at it, it looked like her signature.

“Lena, there was close to two hundred fifty thousand dollars in that account. Do you know where it came from?” Mel asked her. All three men were standing towering over her, making her very nervous.

“No, no. That’s not right. There’s no way there was that much money in that account. You have the numbers wrong. Somebody made a mistake.” Lena shook her head. This wasn’t right. She might not have known everything that was going on but there was no way there was that kind of money in that account.

“Lena, somebody was writing the loan checks out of that account. We have checks here totaling over half a million dollars, all with your signature on them.”

“No, I never signed checks for that amount. Anything over five hundred dollars had to go to Simon to sign. He was in charge of all of that,” Lena protested.

“Not only do we have the checks you signed for Simon, but we found the same thing was happening at Franklin Franks’ bank. You signed all of the checks. What kind of scam do you think you were pulling, lady?” Hal asked, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her to stand up against him.

“I never signed any checks like that at either bank. All the big checks had to be approved by a manager. I would never do anything like that.” Lena couldn’t believe what they were accusing her of.

“Lena, we found your account in the Cayman Islands. It has over two million dollars in it,” Mel said.

“If I had two million dollars why would I be driving a death trap and living in a hovel? Huh? Tell me that, wise guys. I don’t have that kind of money and never have. Somebody is trying to frame me. You knew that going in. You were the ones who told me that. You also told me you didn’t believe that any of it was true. What changed all of a sudden?” Lena was furious. She thought they had believed that she had nothing to do with it and now look how they were acting.

“You could be hiding everything, saving it for your lover. How do we know you weren’t involved in this from the beginning?” R.J. screamed at her. He walked up behind her, crowding her into Hal, and grabbed her shoulder, shaking her. “I was falling for your act, lady, and I use the word loosely. No lady I know could act like you have. What kind of game are you playing? Don’t think we won’t find out.”