Page 25 of Saving Lena

The rest of Sunday was quiet. The men kept Lena busy, but she knew something was bothering them because one of them was continually sneaking off to make a phone call or they were checking their phones for messages even though they tried not to let her know it.

Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and asked what was going on.

Hal took her by the hand and led her over to the sofa. All three men had been sitting at the table doing some paperwork while Lena watched a movie. “We have several teams working on finding out who has been sending you the e-mails and pictures. They have been reporting in and we are compiling all the information to see if we are getting anywhere,” he explained to her.

“So have you found anything out?” Lena asked, wondering if she really wanted to know. She was afraid the answer wouldn’t be good news.

“Nothing we didn’t expect. We know more now than we did and have several teams that haven’t reported in yet,” Mel answered, walking over to join them. He sat on the couch beside Lena, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close.

“How big is your agency? I mean, how many men do you have working for you? Is it a lot?” Lena was curious to find out more. Not only about the agency but about the men themselves.

“We have over one hundred people working for us. Most are agents in the field but you will eventually meet all of them as they come into the office. So far the three of us have been handling things, but we are growing and getting busier. We need someone pretty to greet people and answer the phones, help with filing, and maybe even take over the payroll eventually,” R.J. explained, smiling.

“The business started growing very quickly and we are taking over some cases from a friend, Kyle Masters. He recently got married and is backing out of the business. He owns a fetish club we would like to take you to.”

“Do you mean Kyle Masters, the former bodyguard who owns Club de Fleurs?” Lena asked excitedly.

“How do you know that?” Mel asked. Kyle and Jenna were very private people. The club was exclusive and not well known.

“Jenna is my cousin. I was at their wedding. I have lunch with her every couple of months. She will be so excited to hear I’m coming to the club. I have to call her and let her know. When will we go?” Lena answered, excited to be able to see her cousin.

Mel put one hand on her leg to slow her down as she wiggled nervously on the couch, ready to go call Jenna. “Honey, you need to wait until we figure out what’s going on before you call anyone. We don’t want any more people involved in this than we have to.”

“Oh, yeah right. I’m sure Kyle would protect Jenna, but I don’t want anything happening to her or their children. I’ll wait to call her,” Lena answered sadly.

“We are working on this as fast as we can. I’m sure we will have it all figured out soon. Do you want to have dinner here or go out? If we eat here we can either cook or order in. It’s up to you,” R

.J. said, changing the topic.

They had dinner brought up. Then they all settled back to watch an action movie. The next day was Lena’s first day working as a receptionist for the men. She was excited and nervous. She put on one of the new outfits Hal had bought for her and a pair of four-inch heels. She wasn’t sure the shoes were office wear, but all three men promised they made her legs look a mile long and by their appreciative gazes she knew she looked good.

Mel tried to get her to leave her underwear off, but she refused. “Not in the office,” she protested. He promised to rip them off her later and she just laughed, not believing him.

When they got to the office, Lena was surprised to see that the plain space that only had held a couch before now held a huge desk with a computer and phone and several chairs and several file cabinets.

“I know you only saw this space and R.J.’s office before, but let me show you around. We actually have the entire floor and can expand when we need to,” Mel told her, taking her by the hand and leading her around.

“Hal has been primarily working out in the field and today will be his first day working in the office full-time. I also will be spending more time here in the office and will be interviewing some of the field staff to take on some of the duties Hal and I performed. When we decided to hire a receptionist we also decided to do some renovations to the office and start running it like the business it is. We can no longer handle things like we have in the past,” Mel explained as he showed her his and Hal’s office and the small kitchen they had.

After her tour Mel took her back to the reception area and helped her get settled at her desk. After showing her how to work everything, he left her to get comfortable and went to his own office.

It didn’t take Lena long to get settled and before she knew it, it was time for lunch. As promised, the men took her to meet with Trina and her security team at a restaurant.

“Wow, talk about hunkalicious, yum,” Trina said when Lena introduced her to Mel, R.J., and Hal.

“Yeah, but the guys you’re with aren’t too hard on the eyes either,” Lena responded, laughing and looking over at the table of six men.

The men had decided to let the girls have a table to themselves so they could talk, promising to stay close.

“Do you think all this is really necessary, Lena?” Trina asked, taking a sip of her margarita. The restaurant the men had taken them to served a wide variety of food and had a fully stocked bar, something the two girls planned on taking advantage of.

“I don’t know,” Lena answered Trina and went on to tell her all that had happened and why the men were so worried. “I guess, better safe than sorry, as they say,” Lena said, finishing her story. “And I have to admit, the eye candy isn’t bad. If all the field operatives look like our men, this will be a job worth keeping just for the view,” Lena told her, laughing.

“Wait a minute, you might be comfortable with your men, but don’t go calling Lance and his brothers mine. They are the bossiest most…most frustrating…guys I’ve ever met,” Trina said, but while she was talking Lena couldn’t help but notice that Trina kept looking over at the table where Lance and his brothers sat when they weren’t looking at her. There was something there even if Trina didn’t want to admit it.

Chapter Ten

The week progressed and Lena was slowly learning her job. She was more of an office manager than a receptionist. The men just didn’t know it yet. She was taking over more and more of the administrative duties as the time went on.