Page 21 of Saving Lena

R.J. held his hand out beside Lena where she couldn’t see what he had. When Lena turned her head to see what he had, Mel reached out and grabbed her chin with one hand. “Eyes on me, sweetheart.”

Hal took the items R.J. had chosen for Lena and stood off to the side where she couldn’t see them. R.J. moved behind Lena and reached around her with both arms and cupped her breasts, lifting them for Mel.

Mel leaned forward and took each of her nipples between his fingers, pinching and pulling them, rolling them between his fingers. After doing this for a few minutes, he leaned forward and took her right nipple in his mouth, sucking on it and gently pulling it between his teeth, biting it softly.

He reached to Hal and out of the corner of her eye Lena saw Hal put something in Mel’s hand but couldn’t tell what it was. Mel held his hand out palm up and showed her the object Hal had given him. Lena looked at it, thinking it was an earring at first. She started to ask when it dawned on her. “No, I don’t think so,” she said, covering both breasts with her hands.

She heard R.J. growl behind her and cringed a little, realizing what she had just done. Mel’s eyes turned cold and she could see his expression change from one of enjoyment and desire to what she hoped was disappointment and not anger. His smoke-colored eyes turned dark, almost black, and he reached up and took her hands, moving them to her side. “I will remind you this one time only, keep your hands at your side. That will increase your count. R.J., do you have anything to add?”

Lena could feel her heart rate increase as the tension in the room increased. A tear slid down her face and it was all she could do to stand there. Her flight instinct was kicking in and she wanted to run and hide.

She couldn’t believe how stupid she had been. She knew better. Even though she was new to all of this, she had read enough books that she knew what was expected of her. Compared to some of the books she had read they were being very lenient with her. Most of the Doms in her books would have had her ass blistered by now.

They were being so nice to her and how was she treating them? By disrespecting them and disobeying. They had given her a job, which she hadn’t even started yet. They had promised to protect her from the men who were after her and they were letting her stay in their home. Why was she such a screwup? She deserved it if they put her out on the streets and fired her.

“Lena?” Hal said her name softly, bringing her back from her thoughts.

“Yes,” she answered, trying to stop the tears that had begun running down her face.

Mel pulled her into his lap and R.J. appeared with a warm cloth to wipe her face. “What were you thinking, honey? The truth,” he asked softly, holding her tight.

She sniffled and answered, “I was thinking about what a screwup I am and how you’ve been nice to me and how I don’t deserve it and how I should leave and find another place to stay, because now I don’t have a job and you’re going to throw me out for messing up and that my parents and brother are right, I can’t do anything without making a mess of it and…” She stopped and started sobbing again.

Mel pulled her tighter against his chest when she bur

ied her face in his shoulder.

R.J. and Hal sent Mel a series of signals and stepped out of the room to talk.

Chapter Eight

“Crap, how the hell have people been treating her? I knew she was submissive, but this poor girl has been through hell to think so badly of herself,” R.J. said, hitting the wall with his fist.

“I know. Shit, she has no self-esteem whatsoever. We are going to have to be very careful with her. I knew it was bad, but I didn’t think it was this bad,” Hal said, hands fisted by his side.

“That background report we got was not near thorough enough. I’ll have somebody’s ass before this is all done. We need to start by finding out what kind of shit her parents put her through and then when we get enough evidence to put away those assholes who did this to her, I get to spend ten minutes alone with each of them. They will think twice before trying this shit again, I’ll tell you.”

“I know, before you mash them to a pulp I think Mel and I will each take a turn,” Hal told him, turning to go back in the playroom before Lena noticed they were gone and thought they had deserted her. It sounded like she had been let down a lot in her life.

When they got back in the room, Lena had stopped crying and Mel was talking softly to her. They couldn’t hear what he was saying until they got closer. “Yes, baby, we still want you. We won’t send you away. Yes, you are still getting punished. You still deserve a punishment. Just because you had a meltdown doesn’t mean we don’t care for you anymore. You still have a job to start Monday. We still want you and we are still going to protect you. Right, Hal and R.J?” Mel asked, like they had been there all along and heard everything he said.

They both stepped up to her. R.J. knelt at her side in front of Mel and Hal got down on one knee in front of her, to Mel’s side.

Hal gently took her face in his hands and brushed a soft kiss over her lips. “Pretty little subs who have bad days will always get punished, baby. Just because things got a little messed up doesn’t mean we won’t take care of you. We wouldn’t make you leave,” he said, releasing her face and turning her toward R.J.

“Honey, we still want you. If you don’t believe me, here’s the proof,” he told her, taking her hand and pulling it down to cover his steel-hard cock.

Lena tightened her finger over him and giggled. “I bet you do. Is it painful?”

“Sugar, I think you’re going to be in as much pain as we all are before this is over,” R.J. promised.

R.J. and Hal stood up and took a step to the side, allowing Mel to stand with Lena in front of him.

Hal stepped away and returned with a warm wet cloth and handed it to Lena. “Clean up your face, darling. No more crying unless it’s in sexual frustration or because your ass hurts. Understand?”

Lena felt a pulse go through her body and nodded as she went from feeling sorry for herself to arousal.

Mel picked up the nipple clamp from the bed and showed it to her again. “Hold out you hand, Lena.”