Page 20 of Saving Lena

Hal joined them and all three men stood watching Lena. While Lena was looking around, the men quickly took off their shirts and kicked their shoes to one side.

When Lena turned around, her knees grew weak and her mouth started to water. Even though she had seen R.J. and Hal the night before, she still couldn’t believe how handsome they were. Mel was everything she had dreamed of when she had heard his voice on the phone. She had no idea how she was going to get any work done with these three around.

“Lena,” Hal called, crooking his finger for her to come to where they were standing.

“Yes,” she answered, walking over to them.

“Today we let you explore and touch things. This is the only time you will be allowed to do that. You never enter this room without one of us. If we find you in here without permission, you won’t sit comfortably for a week or more,” R.J. said, walking around her and standing behind her.

He slipped his arms around her and reached for the buttons of her shirt, methodically unfastening each one until her shirt hung open.

“Was the bra something you already had on and just decided to keep on?” Mel asked, his eyes blazing with heat.

“Um…yeah. I really didn’t know you wanted me to go without underwear.” Lena thought it might be worth one more shot at getting herself out of this mess.

“After our little session this afternoon, I don’t think you’ll be making that mistake again,” Mel said, stepping forward and flicking open the front fastening of her bra, freeing her breasts to his and the others’ eyes.

R.J. slipped her top and bra off her shoulders and threw them to the pile where the men had placed their shirts. “Kick your shoes off, darling,” he told her, sliding his hands down her arms.

Lena shivered and kicked her shoes over to the wall behind Mel and Hal. “Now, slip off the skirt, leave the panties for now.” R.J. said, stepping back to give her room to remove her skirt.

Lena complied and stood there, resisting the urge to cross her arm over her bare breasts, and waited for the next instruction.

“Come with me.” Mel led her over to the huge bed they had placed in the center of the back wall of the room and sat on the side of her. “Stand right here.”

She stood between his spread legs and waited to see what he would do next. “Hands at your side. Don’t move, no matter what I do. How well you can obey will determine what I do next. What’s your safe word?”

“Red, sir,” she answered, her voice soft and breathless. Her panties were starting to get damp and they hadn’t even touched her yet.

“Use it if you need to, but if you use it and one of us thinks you shouldn’t have, everything stops. Understand?” Mel told her.

Lena nodded and stood waiting. Mel put one finger in his mouth, wetting it before reaching out and touching it lightly to one nipple. He blew a puff of warm air on her wet skin and watched as the little bud grew larger. He repeated the action with the other nipple, not touching her anywhere else.

Lena stood as still as she could, anticipation building as she wondered what else he was going to do.

Mel looked at R.J. and some form of silent communication happened between the two men. R.J. nodded and walked over to a large cabinet on the wall. His back was to Lena and she couldn’t see what he was doing for sure, but she thought he took something out of one of the drawers before walking back over to them.

Lena heard the sound of a doorbell and Hal said, “That’s lunch. I’ll bring it in here.”

Hal came back with a large bag and four drinks. Lena started to walk over and help him when Mel grabbed her hips with both hands and held her in place. “I told you not to move.” He looked at R.J. again and R.J. went to help Hal.

R.J. pulled a table over and Hal set the food out on it. There were several containers and Lena couldn’t tell what they had, but it smelled wonderful. She didn’t realize how hungry she had been getting.

Hal put a straw in one of the cups and brought it over to Mel. Mel held it up to her lips. “Drink.”

Lena took a long drink, enjoying the taste of milk, something she hadn’t been able to afford for a while. “Good girl.”

Lena stood, eyes focused on Mel, and didn’t see what R.J. and Hal were doing until Hal brought over a plate loaded with fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and coleslaw.

Mel tore a piece of meat off the chicken and held it to Lena’s lips. She opened and took the bite, savoring the taste. Mel set the plate on the bed beside him and took one of Lena’s hands in his.

He pulled her onto his lap and proceeded to feed her everything on the plate bite by bite until it was gone. R.J. brought over another plate and gave it to Mel, which he ate between feeding Lena bites.

When everything was gone, Hal gathered up the dirty dishes and took them out of the room. When he returned Mel was telling Lena how well she had done and was passionately kissing her.

“Lena, you did very well during lunch, but now we have a punishment to administer. If you do well, there will be a reward at the end,” Mel told her, running his hands up and down her back.

Lena was still a little starstruck from the kiss and just nodded her head. Mel helped her stand between his legs again and slid his hands up her body to cup her breasts. “These are beautiful, but I think they could use a little something. R.J., what did you find for our girl?”