Page 19 of Saving Lena

“What do you have on under your skirt?” Mel asked, a stern look on his face.

“Panties, silly,” Lena said, laughing.

“Where did you get the panties, Lena?” Hal asked as he watched Mel’s eyes bug out.

“I’ll handle this, Harold,” Mel said.

Lena knew she was in trouble and tried to figure out a way to get out of it.

“Lena, answer the question,” Mel said, his voice getting darker and deeper.

“I was wearing them already,” she answered, looking down at the floor.

“I believe I told you to wear what I gave you and only what I gave you.”

“Yes, Sir. I didn’t know I was supposed to take off what I already had on.” She tried to make an excuse for herself but could see he wasn’t buying it.

“Did you take off your other shirt and pants without my telling you?” Mel asked. It was all he could do to keep the amusement out of his voice, he was having so much fun.

Oh, I’m so not getting out of this easy, Lena thought, wondering what she should do to make it easier on herself. “No, sir,” she answered, not knowing what else to do.

“Did you think I meant for you to wear panties, Lena?”

Oh shit. If she answered yes, she was in trouble. She had known when she saw what he handed her what he meant. If she answered no, she was in trouble, too, because then he would ask if she had defied him on purpose. Then she would be in trouble for that topping from the bottom thing again. Ugh, so what did she do?

Hanging her head, she stared at the floor and mumbled, “I’m sorry, sir.”

“What was that? I didn’t hear you.”

“I’m sorry?” she asked.

“Are you asking me if you’re sorry, Lena?” Mel was really starting to have fun now.

Now she was starting to get mad. “No, I’m not sorry. I put the damned panties on. What are you going to do about it?” she yelled, losing her temper.

“Oh no, you are in for it now, darling,” R.J. said behind her.

She had forgotten they were there and without thinkin

g whipped around and told him with a stern voice, “You stay out of this.”

‘‘Well, boys, I see our kitten can be a little bit of a tiger. I was going to wait until this evening to do this but I think you need the attention now. R.J., would you care to join us?” Mel asked as he stood and reached for Lena’s hand.

Lena took his outstretched hand with trembling fingers and looked to Hal for help.

“I can’t help you now,” Hal said, chuckling.

“Hal, if you wouldn’t mind calling and ordering some lunch from the diner before you join us in the playroom,” Mel said, walking down the hall, pulling Lena behind him.

Lena followed along behind Mel, wondering what she had gotten herself into now. She was a little excited and a little scared. Even though she hadn’t known the men very long she knew she could trust them.

Mel entered the code to unlock the playroom door and led Lena inside. Lena had never seen a playroom before and was a little amazed to see some of the things she had only read about. She had looked up a few things on the internet, but it wasn’t like seeing them in real life.

She walked over to what she assumed was a spanking bench and ran her hand across the padded leather seat, wondering if they were going to use it or what they had planned. She roamed around the room, looking at things, sometimes reaching her hand out to touch something only to pull it back as if she were burnt.

When she reached the wall where all the canes, whips, and paddles were, she glanced at what was there quickly before reaching out and picking up one cane. She slapped the palm of her hand with it before wincing and putting it back.

Mel and R.J. let her roam around, acquainting herself with what was in the room.