Page 18 of Saving Lena

“Doing everything you tell me to,” she answered.

“Submission to us means giving your trust and your body to us. You freely give all of yourself to us and trust us to take care of you. Some D/s relationships are twenty-four hours seven days a week. That is not what we want, for the most part. We will expect you to obey us, and when we make a request of you for you to either do it or have a logical argument why you shouldn’t. If you tell us in a respectful tone why you don’t want to do something we have asked you to, we will listen and consider your reasons. That doesn’t mean we will give in to you. We may have reasons for asking you to do something that you don’t understand. Most of the requests we make outside the bedroom or playroom, or when we are not in a scene, will be for your health or safety or both. When Mel told you to get dressed for lunch, it was for your health. We saw what you have for food in your home and not only was it insufficient to feed a toddler, it was not healthy. We want you strong and healthy for us. We want you to be able to keep up with all of us. Your face is sallow and you have deep dark circles under your eyes. When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep?”

Lena quickly answered, “Last night.”

“Honey, that’s not what I call a good night’s sleep. I know either Hal or I was waking you up several times during the night and you were up early with us this morning,” R.J. said, a twinkle in his eyes. “T

ell the truth—when did you last get at least seven hours of sleep in one night?”

“I’ve been trying to find a job and my apartment building can get noisy and…you’re right. I haven’t been eating or sleeping well,” she finally gave in and answered.

Mel knelt in front of her and laid one hand on her knee. “Darling, all we want is to take care of you. You need to start eating more. You need to get more rest. Let us take care of you.”

Lena couldn’t help it, she started crying. She was tired and knew she hadn’t been eating right. How long had it been since someone had wanted to take care of her? Both Frank and Simon had just gone out with her because of what she could do for them. After her father had found out that she didn’t want to stay and help on the farm, he had written her off and forbade her mother to contact her. Even her baby brother didn’t want anything to do with her.

“What kind of rules are we talking about and how long would this ‘relationship’ last?” Lena asked. Maybe she could try this and see what happened. It would be nice to be wanted for herself and not for what she could do for someone for a change.

“The rules are simple. You address us with respect at all times. If there is something you don’t agree with or don’t want to do when we are not playing, you need to respectfully ask why we want you to do whatever and tell us why you don’t want to do it,” Hal started explaining what they wanted from her.

“When we are in a scene or in the bedroom or playroom the word ‘red’ stops everything. When you use that word we will stop whatever we are doing and talk about why you needed to stop. After we talk and work things out we will either stop for the time being or continue,” R.J. went on to tell her.

“When you are bratty or disrespectful or disobey or flat-out refuse to do something you will be punished. Topping from the bottom like you were last night will also result in punishment,” Hal explained.

“Wait a minute. I didn’t do anything last night, and what do you mean by punishment?”

“Lena, last night you wanted something from us. I had told you that we were going to give you the evening to get to know us before you had to make a decision about staying and playing with you. You wanted more than that and with your actions and words you manipulated us into playing with you. Didn’t you?” R.J. said, taking her chin between his fingers and turning her face so that she was staring into his ice-blue eyes.

Lena nodded and couldn’t help the grin that came to her face, remembering what she had done and what the results had been.

“You know we are going to have to punish you for that and for what happened when Mel told you to change, don’t you?” R.J. asked, still holding her chin.

“What do you mean by punish?” Lena asked again. They hadn’t answered that part of her question.

“Punishments will differ for different things. It will depend on what you have done, on how you will be punished. R.J. and I will decide on your punishment for last night. Mel will punish you for disobeying him,” Hal said, turning her face toward him when R.J. released her.

“Lena, just remember that ‘red’ will always work whether we are in a punishment or playing. ‘Red’ will always stop what is happening so that we can talk about it. We will push your limits, but it will never be more than you can take and we will never hurt you,” Mel told her, tightening his grip on her knee. “Now I’m going to pick out some clothes for you to change into so we can all go down and have lunch. Then we will bring you back up here and you will take a nap. This evening we will all go to our playroom where Hal and R.J. will administer whatever punishment they see as fit for your actions of last evening.”

“I can pick out my own clothes.” Lena didn’t understand why Mel needed to pick out her clothes.

Chapter Seven

This is going to be a challenge and it will take all of us to tame her, Mel thought to himself, catching the look in Hal and R.J.’s eyes. They were all in agreement. The three of them had been friends and worked together so long that they could communicate with looks and facial gestures.

“Lena, as part of your punishment, I will pick out your clothes and you will wear what I give you and only what I give you. I will also select what you will have for lunch. Do you have any food allergies or intense dislikes I need to know about?” When she shook her head no, Mel continued on. “If you do not wear what I give you or if you add or remove anything from what you are given, you will be punished. If you do not eat the food I give you, you will be punished. Understand?”

When Lena nodded, Mel walked over to the closet where they had put her clothes after carefully checking each item for electronic listening devices and picked out a button-down blouse and short skirt with a pair of flats for her to wear.

“Put these on and be in the living room in ten minutes. It will be five swats for the first minute you are late and one for every minute after that,” Mel told her, handing her what he had chosen and walking out of the room.

Lena looked quickly at what was in her hand. Not too bad of a choice, something she might have chosen for herself. There was no underwear, so she assumed she should just wear what she had on.

She ran into the bathroom to wash up and quickly change, adding a little blush and lip gloss. They were right. She did have dark circles under her eyes and her complexion was sallower. She looked old and washed out. She did need to eat better and rest more.

Wondering if she still had any time left, she slipped on her shoes and walked out to where the men were waiting.

“Very nice, baby, come here,” Mel said, crooking his finger and motioning her toward him. They were going to have to take her shopping soon. She had very few outfits and nothing that looked like it would work for the club. He couldn’t wait to take her to his friend Kyle’s club.

Lena walked over to where Mel was sitting and stood in front of him. He motioned for her to turn in a circle. She twirled then stopped, facing him.