Page 17 of Saving Lena

“So, big bad Dom that you are, you couldn’t resist one little sub topping from the bottom.” Mel had his arms crossed over his chest. He still wanted to punch someone.

“Look, if it makes you feel better, Hal and I will disappear tonight and you can have her all to yourself.” R.J. really didn’t want to leave but he knew how he would feel if things had been reversed and Hal and Mel had met Lena first and played with her when he was not available.

“No, we’re good, letting me beat the shit out of you this morning helped,” Mel said, laughing and clapping R.J. on the back.

They heard a noise and turned toward the bedrooms, where Lena was coming down the hall, her feet bare, her hair sleep tousled. She was wearing another camisole top, in a peach color. This one was form fitting but also left a few inches of stomach bare to their eyes. Today she wore it with a pair of yoga pants.

Mel walked up to her and pulled her into his arms. “Did you sleep well, honey?” he asked, brushing a soft kiss over her lips.

Lena wasn’t as comfortable with him as she was with R.J. and Hal. A situation he planned on fixing during the evening, even if it took him all night.

Lena looked into his eyes shyly and nodded her head, stepping away from him and walking over to sit on the end of the couch, far away from all the men.

“What’s the matter, honey?” Hal asked, getting up from the chair he was sitting and plopping down beside her.

“I’m still not sure this is a good idea,” Lena said, twirling one finger in her hair.

Hal put his arm around her and pulled her closer. “Why not, Lena?”

“I’m not sure. I mean…I don’t know any of you very well and well, are you sure I’m in danger? Nobody ever told me who was paying all of you.” She pushed away from Hal and started pacing the room.

“Lena, don’t worry about who’s paying. Sit down. I didn’t want to show you these things, but I think you need to see them,” Mel said, leading her to the dining room table. He grabbed his briefcase and a laptop computer and pulled a chair next to hers.

He didn’t want to tell her that he had taken the case as a favor to his friend at the FBI. He was afraid that if she knew the FBI was paying she would think they were trying to prove her guilty.

“This is video surveillance the FBI took of your apartment,” he said, opening a file on the computer and starting a video. It showed her apartment. Apparently it was taken when she wasn’t home. There were several men in her home and they were going through her things. She watched as one of them planted little devices all over the room and another one was positioning what looked like small cameras around.

“These men have been identified as working for some of the men you approved loans for. What they are doing is planting listening devices and cameras around your apartment,” Mel explained.

He pulled up another video of her inside her car. She was dressed as she did for her job interviews and it was apparent she was on the way to one. “They have been following you since before you were let go at the bank. They think you are the one who reported the scam to the Feds and are after you to keep you quiet.”

“But I never did anything. I didn’t even know what was going on,” Lena protested.

“Lena, you may know more than you think you know. Later today I will sit with you and ask you a series of questions that will help us figure that out. Right now you need to get dressed. We are going down for lunch,” Mel told her firmly. After seeing what was in her kitchen they knew she hadn’t been eating well and planned on taking care of that.

“I don’t think I’m hungry,” Lena said, not moving.

Mel looked at R.J. Time to let her know how this was going to work.

“Lena, Mel didn’t ask if you were hungry. He told you to go get changed,” R.J. told her, using his Dom voice. A voice most subs knew not to disobey.

“I don’t want to go for lunch, you guys go. I’ll just stay here. I think I’m going to take a shower,” Lena said, standing and turning to go to her bedroom. So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours that she was having trouble processing it all.

She needed to call Jenna and let her know what was going on. Jenna would know what to do. Her husband was in the security business. They could call him.

She should probably call her parents and her brother to let them know also. They were going to be mad at her for putting them in the middle again, but it couldn’t be helped.

She didn’t realize that all three men were following her until she sat on the bed and reached for her purse. She saw them standing just inside the door. “What? I said I’m going to take a nap and I have some calls to make.”

“Lena, do you want to explore a relationship with the three of us?” Hal asked. The three men were standing side by side with their arms crossed over their chests and legs spread shoulder width apart. “I thought you did by your actions last night, but if you don’t, that’s fine. You can stay here as our guest and employee and we will do our best to protect you. If you want more than that you need to understand there will be some rules you need to follow. What do you want to do?” He cocked one eyebrow and they all waited for her answer.

Lena thought a minute. Did she want to explore more with these men? Could she handle a relationship with three men? Would she be enough woman for all of them? “What kind of relationship exactly are we talking about?” she asked. She thought she knew, but she wanted them to spell it out and make sure they were all on the same page. She had jumped in with both feet before and look where it had gotten her. She didn’t want to make the same mistake three times in a row.

Hal walked over and sat beside her on the bed. “Lena, Mel, R.J., and I are all Dominants. Do you know what that means?”

“That you like to give orders and have them followed,” she answered. She wasn’t sure that was exactly right and was sure they would correct her.

“Not exactly,” R.J. answered, coming over to sit on her other side. He took one of her hands and held it. “It means that we need your submission. What do you think submission means?”