Page 16 of Saving Lena

“Let’s order breakfast, I’m starving.”

“R.J. just did. I’m going to let you go if you promise to stop hitting me,” Mel said, relaxing his grip on her hands.

“I’m sorry about that. I should have waited for you to explain and realized that Hal was joking before I reacted,” Lena said, looking at the table. This was her employer—or had been, up until she had lost her head and screwed his two associates. Boy, did she know how to fuck up. Great job, one minute, she was having mind-blowing sex and now she was unemployed again. She had known better. Now Mel was going to fire her for sure.

“It’s okay, Lena, you didn’t know I was joking,” Hal said, reaching for her hand.

Lena quickly put both hands in her lap and continued looking at the table, wondering if she could get a job waiting tables.

R.J. looked at Hal. “What did you do now?”

“He asked if we needed to bury the body,” Mel answered, slipping one arm across Lena’s shoulders and pulling her closer to him.

All three men laughed and Mel squeezed her shoulder. “You’ll get used to us soon enough, darling.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll get my things and be out of your home. If you would just let me out, I’ll go call my cousin and see if she can come pick me up.” Maybe staying with Jenna was her best option. Jenna’s husband Kyle was one of the best bodyguards in the country. He would know how to protect her and she could always work at his club to pay him back.

“Lena, you’re still not safe, and you have to start work on Monday,” Mel said, moving her cup to the middle of the table.

The waitress came with refills for everyone. “I put in your order for four specials, Mel. Chuck will have them out soon. I told him they were for you guys,” she said, filling the cups and walking off to deal with another table.

It took Lena a minute to process. When her brain realized what Mel had said, it took another minute for her body to react. She turned and threw her arms around him, planting a kiss on his lips. “Thank you, thank you. I didn’t want to stay with her and I don’t think I could work at a BDSM club. Thank you,” she said quickly. She really hadn’t wanted to work at Kyle’s BDSM club, Club de Fleurs.

Mel looked questioningly at Hal, wondering what path Lena’s mind was taking now.

“Her mental road trips are something we need to address, but I think she’s thanking you for letting her keep her job,” Hal said, watching Lena plant little kisses all over Mel.

“Is she like this all the time?” Mel asked, referring to the way she flitted back and forth.

“Yeah, from what we can tell I think she has a little trouble focusing, but I know how to work on that,” R.J. said, an evil grin on his face.

“I’m sure you do,” Mel said, laughing. R.J. was the stric

test of the three Doms and he would be the one who would do most of Lena’s training and discipline. Mel saw a lot of punishments in her future.

Lena was just about to ask what they were talking about when the waitress brought their food. The table grew silent as they all ate their platters of eggs, bacon, and biscuits and gravy. Their coffee was refilled again and R.J. finished what Lena couldn’t, stating he was “just a growing boy.”

Breakfast finished, the men went to the condo, where they all sat talking and getting to know one another better. Mel seemed to have gotten over the mood he was in and he kept Lena close by. All three men were touching her often and they didn’t let her out of their sight. One of them even followed her to the bathroom when she needed to go. “I think I’m safe here, guys, I don’t need a shadow,” she told them when it got to be a little much.

That turned into a discussion of her safety and what she needed to do. By the end of it she was crying and wished she had never ever met Simon or Frank, the jerks.

“Do you really think I’m in danger?” she asked more than once, not really wanting to believe it. She couldn’t believe she had been so naïve.

She got so worked up that Mel finally insisted on taking her into the bedroom and laying her down for a nap. She protested but after he teased and played with her and a couple mind-blowing orgasms, she finally settled down and slept.

Mel went back to talk logistics with Hal and R.J., and they decided that Lance Lewis and his brothers Luke and Leif would be assigned to watch Trina, and that Tucker Hague and his team would be sent to watch over Lena’s family. They also decided to move all the furniture from her apartment to the basement of their building and pay off her lease. None of them wanted her going back there again.

Everything decided, the men sat back to relax and Mel went to sneak a peek at Lena and make sure she was still resting. They knew when she found out what they had done she would be pissed, but it couldn’t be helped.

When Mel returned to the room the men had taken a vote and decided he could be the one to tell Lena about what they had done. “If she gives you any trouble I’ll take her to the playroom,” R.J. told him. In his opinion she had been topping from the bottom entirely too much.

“Does she even know about the playroom?” Mel asked.

“No, we decided that the three of us should show it to her,” Hal answered, hoping to fend off a fight before it could start.

“Well, at least you waited for me to do something.” Mel was still pissed that they had played with Lena before he could arrive home and join them.

“Mel, like I tried to explain this morning, I had every intention of waiting, but the girl wanted it bad. You should have seen the outfit she put on to play poker in and the moves she was making.”