Page 14 of Saving Lena

“Yeah, it was, all of it.” Lena sighed against his chest, snuggling down.

Hal slowly removed his fingers and went to start the shower. They were all damp with sweat and it was starting to cool off.

R.J. heard the shower start and relaxed a few minutes, letting Lena rest on his chest, her weight a comforting feeling on him.

He let his eyes close and heard Hal come back in the bedroom. “Up we go, sweetness. Let’s go rinse off then we can all come back to bed,” he told Lena, lifting her in his arms. He looked over his shoulder at R.J. “You just gonna lay there and bask in it or are you gonna come help me clean up our woman?” Not waiting for an answer, he carried Lena into the bathroom and sat her on the shower bench under the spray of warm water.

Lena let her head lean back against the shower wall and her eyes drift close. They would take care of her.

Hal heard R.J. rummaging in the cabinets and knew what he was looking for. He was surprised he had waited as long as he had.

R.J. came into the shower and saw how limp Lena was. “You gonna hold her, or should we put her on the bed?” he asked Hal.

“I’ll hold her,” Hal answered, picking Lena up and settling her in his lap.

“R.J.’s going to shave you now, honey. Just relax and let us take care of you.”

“I shaved my legs last night. They won’t be bad for a couple of days,” Lena answered, confused.

“No, darling, I’m going to shave your pussy. I plan on spending a lot of time there and I don’t like hair in my mouth,” R.J. told her, moving her legs to the outside of Hal’s so that when he spread his legs Lena’s came open wider.

Lena’s sex-addled brain told her it wasn’t worth thinking about and she nodded and let her head loll back against Hal’s shoulder. “Okay, whatever.” She nodded, closing her eyes again and letting them take over.

Chapter Six

Lena woke the next morning to the sound of voices coming from the living room. She looked around and saw one of the men’s shirts lying on the floor. She grabbed it and put it on, running her fingers through her hair. Expecting to see Hal and R.J., she was surprised when she saw another man with them.

“Come here, baby,” Hal said, reaching for her and pulling her down on his lap.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” R.J. said, standing. He walked over to where she was sitting with Hal and placed a soft kiss on her lips before sitting on the arm of the chair and taking her hand.

She looked at the third man who was still sitting in the chair opposite where Lena was sitting with Hal. “Are you…?” she started to ask, but he spoke before she could finish.

Lena would know that voice from anyone’s. He was the man she had interviewed with on the phone.

“Yes, Lena, I’m Melvin Ashcroft. I see you’ve become acquainted with my associates.”

Lena wasn’t sure if he was mad or just indifferent. “Yeah, umm. We met at your office yesterday,” she answered, not sure how to handle the situation.

“Don’t be a cold ass, Mel, you knew how this was going to turn out,” Hal told his friend, tightening his hold on Lena when he felt her start to stiffen.

“Yes, well I can see once again I’m the odd man out. I’ll be in my room if you decide you need me,” Mel said, standing.

R.J. let go of Lena’s hand and walked over to Mel, pushing on his shoulder to set him back in the seat. “Give it up, Mel. Just relax and get to know Lena. Don’t be a jerk. None of this is her fault and you will not treat her like it is.”

“Well, maybe if one of you had the sense to wait a day and not jump on the girl the minute you met her I wouldn’t have to be an ass,” Mel said, pushing R.J. back and crossing his arms over his chest.

Shit, Lena thought, are they going to fight? “Maybe I should leave. I can just get a taxi back to my car and go back to my apartment.” She didn’t want to be the cause of any trouble and struggled to get off of Hal’s lap.

Hal tightened his hold. “You’re staying here, Lena. We explained last night why it isn’t safe for you to return to your apartment. That hasn’t changed. Mel will be fine after he gets over his little tantrum. I will warn you he is going to want equal time.”

Equal time? Lena wondered what that meant.

R.J. and Mel started yelling at each other and Hal stood up, taking Lena with him. “You don’t need to hear this,” he told her, walking back to the bedroom with her. “We will let them settle down a little. Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll take you down to one of the restaurants for breakfast? I think we both need some coffee.”

“Okay. They won’t hurt each other, will they?” Lena didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of her.

Hal swiped his ha